How to reference a Time Period in an IF statement please?
My PRACTICE module has time dimension as Months 2019. I want to create an IF statement in the RESULT line item that says IF Time Period < Jul 19 THEN TEST 1 ELSE TEST 2 How do I reference the Time Period in the IF statement? i.e. how do I write the IF statement so that in the RESULT line item there is 250 from Jan 19 until…
return the light blue color for the input data
Until recently, the input data in applications was blue. Now both the data entered and fixed by the formula are the same black color (or too dark blue??), which is absolutely inconvenient. I hope the color for the input data will be returned to a lighter blue or an alternative will be found, please.
How does the Model Open Analysis Report change without any changes to model?
We've come into performance issues on our model and requested a Model Open Analysis (MOA) report from Anaplan support. This was very helpful in identifying modules and, in particular, line items that were using up a lot of processing power. The metric they used was Total Calculation Time, measured in milliseconds. After we…
True ALM for Anaplan Data Orchestrator
Currently ADO only has a single tenant level environment to all store source data, transformations, and links. This can make managing ALM challenging. Being able to have separate (and sync-able) ADO Dev/Test/Prod environment(s) would be more manageable than housing everything in a single tenant wide space. Having true ALM…
Data validation overview
Author: Audrey Neet is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Director at Tru Consulting. Data validation is the process in which business users ensure that the data in Anaplan ties to their source system. It's an important step in preparing a model for go-live as it ensures the data in the model is accurate and the end users…
Anaplan Add-In Grids Upgrade
Being able to pivot/filter the add in grid without references to that grid getting removed. When I create a retrieve using the add-in and link to another excel tab (formatted for distributions to our leaders) and then alter a dimension using the pivot/filter function it will remove the references on the summary page. In…
Data Import Time dimension
Hi, I need a bit of help. I have a file of the following structure, with Time dimension going across as column headers. The system is setup to 13 periods of 4 weeks. When I try to load the data using Custom Fixed position pattern: YYYY_MM, it fails with an error: Invalid period for format YYYY_MM When I try to load the…
Stale Module Data in Power BI
I've successfully built out a Power BI semantic model that appears to connect to Anaplan just fine. When I created the model, I logged into the Anaplan Connector using my company SSO. Once the credentials were validated, I selected the Export Action that I had previously created and loaded the data. Initially, all data…
Data Related Training Classes
* Anaplan Connect (301) * Anaplan Data Integration Basics (303) * Creating a JAVA keystore for use with Anaplan Connect Overview This set of classes address how data is used and managed within an Anaplan model: Anaplan Connect (301) Anaplan Connect enables the Anaplan administrator to automate Anaplan imports of data and…
Dev and PROD desynced following a backup restoration
Hello Everyone, I have taken over the Workspace Administrator responsibilities within the business and I am still learning about the basic model maintenance tasks. We've had a deployed PROD model synced with a DEV model to sync any structural changes and using revision tags. Recently, I have taken a copy of a PROD model…
Leading zeroes in anaplan
I want to fix the length by appending zeroes :- Consider below example where i am having 3 Prod ID :- 1234 1234567 123 Below is the result i am expecting:- 0000001234 0001234567 0000000123 Generally we call this left/right padding or leading zeroes.
How I Built It: Data locking and validation within processes
Author: Noah Jackson is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Principal Data and Insights Architect at Anaplan. Hello Anaplan Community! I’m excited to share this ‘How I Built It’ video with you. In this tutorial, I walk you through two types of actions that you can add to your Anaplan processes to improve your data access…
Levels to show only giving two options, not all levels of a hierarchical list
Probably an easy question but I am working through the level 1 course and it shows how you can aggregate based on a hierarchical list. When I try this on my own model it looks different and there are only two options. My view S01 Is a child of S02 which is a child of S03… S05. I'd like to display only the S03 Level. The…
Hierarchy Mapping from flat list
Currently we report our P&L using list Entity L2 which contains all our entities as a flat list. We want to create a new module that reports the same P&L information but not on a flat hierarchy. The dimension of this module is New Hierarchy L6 which rolls up into our highest consolidation level (TopCo) This is the mapping…
How to lookup transactional data without having many-dimensioned calculation module?
I have a module that contains ledger data and includes information such as suppliers, produts, departments and ledger mappings as well as the cost/income on a monthly basis. I want to create a module that end users can input into for their department where they're entering details for their next year's budget. For this,…
Facing issue in column separator
Hi everyone, In the source we are using pipe to separate the columns .In anaplan i have created action using .csv file and now changing the column separator from import data source ans using "|" instead of column. For some data element this is working fine but in few in module i dont see any data. also when open the action…
Many to one text merge
Hi, In my FP&A model end-users can add comments(in text format) to a variance module that is dimensioned by the user list(among other dimensions). How can I consolidate the comments so we can see comments from all users combined? I'm thinking we would have a secondary module not dimensioned by end user. The main challenge…
PSA: Deleted Models are no longer inaccessible to Workspace Admins
Anaplan introduced a new feature that allows for models that have been deleted to be restored by any workspace admin. This is wonderful for customers and partners to self serve when a model is deleted accidentally or needs to be restored and the hassle of going through Anaplan support/your BP makes it challenging or not…
Better solution for a nested IF... but I can't think of one
I am working through many many modules and removing 'bad' data or process and have come across a nested If formula, and cannot think of a better way to replace it. Have a module with 2 sources MATERIAL and LABEL TYPE. Within the material list we have several labels (FRONT, REAR, DECAL + 6 others) In the module i need to…
Data Loss with Inroducing Time Range
So in the current setup, a module is dimensioned by Model- calendar time dimension and the horzion is from 2021 to 2026, the granularity being weeks. This setup is used in prod since go live for 2 years now. We realised the span of time for data in that particular module can be reduced. Idea now is to introduce a time…
Clear Filer
Hello Community I have a list of BU's which is selective access enabled For example: If user have access to only 2 BU's Is there any possibility to clear data related all BU's Is Possible How it is done? Thankyou in Advance
What is Data Management System that was talked about during Anaplan Kick-off this year?
Time change in integration
Hi, After daylight saving time, we have to change our integration timings as well by 1 hour, or it will automatically change the time. Thanks, Vicky
Data Write Action: Optional input on children items if summary item selected via context
In general, data write action is a great thing, but it would be even more helpful, if the option could be set to behave the following way: When in the page context, a summary item in a hierarchy is selected, that the data write action could also be performed on that level, writing the value in all child elements underneath…
Bulk Copy Years
Hello everyone, I would like to move all the data in my model by a few years (Write all data from 2020 to 2023, 2021 to 2024…). For that I tried using Bulk Copy, but I can only copy individual months there, not entire years (if I select this accordingly, the button is greyed out). This is therefore a problem, as some…
Show process Id into actions window
it's would be useful to display process Id into actions window (in a dedicated column)
I am looking at integeration of Anaplan with SAP
We are looking on creating some utlity or similar to it using open source API's or using Python or R or can be any other tool to intgerate Aanaplan with SAP to make our offer more cost effective and lucrative
Supply Chain Related Functions
Just like we have functions for Financial (COUPDAYBS, COUPDAYSNC, etc) and Call Center Planning (AGENTS,ANSWERTIME, ARRIVALRATE) can we have something similar to support Supply Chain Planning? Like End of Stock, Beginning Inventory, etc based on input parameters?
Data Validation when using Anaplan API
One thing i've found quite challenging when doing API implementations (and at this point i've done well into my 20s of these) is, what is the best way to validate that my API calls are properly working? Specifically - how can I validate that file uploads are pushing in the right data? There are so many different variables…
Cell count copy limits in Anaplan - Cell count requested '178676' exceeds maximum '10000'
Hi Because of cell count copy request limitation below; it would be nice if this can be enhanced to a much bigger number; we can then copy/paste in other systems e.g. Excel.