I am looking at integeration of Anaplan with SAP

We are looking on creating some utlity or similar to it using open source API's or using Python or R or can be any other tool to intgerate Aanaplan with SAP to make our offer more cost effective and lucrative


  • Could you describe your use case a bit more. Relevant information would be for example:

    - Are you looking to integrate data from Anaplan to SAP?
    - Which SAP product and version are you planning to integrate with?
    - If you want to use SAP API do you know which endpoints you are going to use?
    - What data are you looking to integrate?

  • No

    I want to pull SAP data into Anaplan by using some connection/ETL method which can be further be used as offering…hope this give you an idea on what i am looking for

  • What SAP data are you thinking. Do you have preferred ETL tool to use?