Ability for Non-WSA users to update Switchovers and do Copyovers
Hello, I'm looking at giving certain users access to update switchover for Native versions, and copy over activities, reducing reliance on the Tech team. It looks like it's these types of actions are only accessible to WSA users. Is there another way around this? I initially thought that these can only be accessed by a…
Anaplan's "Fair Use Policy" - Clarification needed?
I was going through Anaplan's "Fair Use Policy", which I believe will come into effect with the new Licensing model. Anaplan is intending to simply the workspace allowance slabs and framework through this, I've a question on a specific statement from the policy page. "To uphold the quality of the Anaplan Service for all…
how to add workspace to user in Admin in Access Control - Assignments
Hi everyone i have encounter today as an admin in Anaplan. one of the user has no access in one of our workspace. this is the users access under Users-Internal-Workspace. but upon checking in Access Control - Assignments, FP&A is not selected.
Change of E-mail Domain - User History and information
My Org, will be undergoing a rebranding soon and as a part of it the domain name of the email addresses will change user@oldco.com → user@newco.com We use Anaplan SSO for Login and Authentication, Once the SSO is reconfigured expect change reflect in Anaplan user base. How will Anaplan treat this change? Will the new…
Where do I check what Roles I am assigned ?
Hi, I am assigned as Model Builder but not sure if I am also a Page Builder. May I know after I login to Anaplan, where I can click to find my roles ?
Can you reset my test for L2 MB training for conclusion exam
it says I reached my limit but I only did 5 attempts and the sixth isn't working.
How to create a user in Anaplan to be able to access export APIs?
How to create a user in Anaplan to be able to access export APIs? I didn't find out any information about how to create a user in the documentation. is it something which needs to be done by Anaplan?
モデル リストを入れ子に
こう表現したい というふうに簡単にできないでしょうか。 今は、グリッドでひとつづつ非表示しています。。。。 リストA リストB マスタ こう表現したい 青 ブドウ ブドウ 青 青 ブドウ 赤 みかん みかん 黄 黄 みかん 黄 リンゴ リンゴ 赤 バナナ バナナ バナナ 黄 赤 リンゴ ×こうなる 青 ブドウ 青 みかん 青 リンゴ 青 バナナ 赤 ブドウ 赤 みかん 赤 リンゴ 赤 バナナ ・・・・
Cloudworks Data Encryption
Referring to Anaplan CloudWorks guidelines (published in May 2023) :“Your cloud sources (such as AWS S3, Azure Blob, and Google BigQuery) must be accessible via public APIs. Make sure your data is not encrypted or compressed.”“CloudWorks supports these file types: csv, csv000, xls, txt, xml, and pdf.” Is there any plan or…
Manage users in Administration only
Hi This feature is interesting - Manage users in Administration only | Anapedia (anaplan.com) Question As a tenant administrator, if I enable this feature can I control which enabled users in admin have access to specific models in any workspace? e.g. I was hoping to see a checkbox/similar so I can give access to a user to…
Why Anaplan model page fails to load suddenly in between.
See below SS, hope anybody else also might have experienced this.
As tenant admin when you see last login of user if it is blank what does it mean - after the access
As tenant admin when you see last login of user if it is blank what does it mean - after the access is given the user did not login or something else ?
Rotate your Anaplan SSO certificate before the August 21, 2024
Can someone advise on below I received an email to rotate my SSO certificate for Anaplan Following the url - Rotate your Anaplan certificate | Anapedia I don't have an option to rotate my SSO certificate compared to help file Does this mean it has already been rotated? Thank you
Anaplan License Tiers
Hi, There used to be a nice table of anaplan license tiers and what is included in each, such as Basic, Professional and Enterprise. I cannot find this anymore. Can someone send me where this can be found? This information is super important for studying for master anaplaner exam.
Anaplan Connect - Model size from script is more than actual size in manage models
Update: The metrics are Gib and not GB, so when converting from bytes it needs to be converted to Gib and then the results match. I am using the following command to get the model size: -debug -service %ServiceUrl% -auth %AuthUrl% -M This command is giving me Workspace ID, Workspace Name, Model ID, Model Name, Model Size…
Data Write Actions and Model Roles access
Hi, I have a Data write action where the user should be able to write a date and its user in 2 line items. However, UX says she doesn't have permission to execute the action. My user's role has access to both lists and module where the data write action should be executed, and line items have not DCA in place. Line Items…
API to Provide Selective Access and Update Model Roles to Users
Hi all, just as the title suggested. I am looking for some Anaplan APIs to provision selective access to user and update their model role. I have come across SCIM API that work on Workspace level but can't seem to find one for Model level (or maybe I am missing something). Need some assistance regarding this. The ask is to…
Selective Access into a Line Item
Is there any way of bringing in a user's list of selective access items into a line item? E.g. if a user has selective access to products P1, P2, P3 in a products list, can I bring this in as a Boolean in a module dimensioned by users and products?
PSA: Deleted Models are no longer inaccessible to Workspace Admins
Anaplan introduced a new feature that allows for models that have been deleted to be restored by any workspace admin. This is wonderful for customers and partners to self serve when a model is deleted accidentally or needs to be restored and the hassle of going through Anaplan support/your BP makes it challenging or not…
How to access Anaplan workspace?