How can we do interpolation in Anaplan? I need to interpolate scores from the following criterias: a. Min number with equivalent score b. Max number with equivalent score Thank you!
Level 2 Sprint 1 - Add Formula to SYS13 Line Item
Hi, Can I please get some help with the formula for this? Thanks
Adjusting Statistical Forecasts: Utilizing different Methods for varying time horizons
Hello Anaplan Community, currently we have a very simple statistical forecast tool in Anaplan. We can select between 15 forecast methods for a forecast category. We generate the statistical forecast using a single method for the next 5 years. We aim to introduce a logic that enables selecting two distinct forecasting…
Model Building
Hello, I have one requirement where line items should be filtered based on the Year(FY24, FY25) Dimension. For eg: there are 12 line items, which contains both text and number formats. If User selects FY 24, The first 6 line items should be shown in the page and if user selects FY25, last 6 line items should be shown . Any…
- check your work
Need some help please, as per example, Safety stock target line item is blank In my module have got summary values here, any pointers please?
Performance Comparison - YEARVALUE(x) vs x[LOOKUP: FY]
Hi all, Was hoping to get some insight into the performance implications of obtaining the year value of a line using either YEARVALUE(x) or x[LOOKUP: FY]. Both will retrieve the same result assuming summaries/timescales are setup correctly, but they are definitely not calculated the same (based on anecdotal tests). From…
Unexpected Model Size Increase After Updating Custom Time Range
Hi Anaplan Community, I recently updated a custom time range in my model and noticed an unexpected increase in model size. Previously, my custom time range started in FY22 with 4 periods, and the total model size was 78 GB. After updating the start period to FY23 (keeping the number of periods at 4), the model size…
OEG Best Practice: Formula structure for performance
Thinking through the results of a modeling decision is a key part of ensuring good model performance; in other words, making sure the calculation engine isn’t overtaxed. This article highlights some ideas for how to lessen the load on the calculation engine. Formulas should be simple; a formula that is nested, or uses…
TimeSum for a specific line item
First Module List: SKU's Dimension : weeks Line item: Volume Second Module List: 1- 100 ( a list of the numbers 1 to 100) Line items: Start week, End week, SKU, Item I want a timesum in the second Module from the first module TIMESUM('Volume Module'.'Volume', Start Week[LOOKUP: Item], End Week[LOOKUP: Item]) This works for…
Referring to the previous item in a list is a nightmare: You can write a lookup to find the previous item, but as soon as you try to use it you get a circular reference. Sometimes you can get round this with creative use of the CUMULATE() function on your list, but sometimes you can't and you need to map your calculation…
Black Box Timesum Drilldown
One of the best things about anaplan is the ability to drill through the model to see where values come from. sadly, anaplan is now quite limited in how you aggregate over time. at some point changes were made that more else require you to use the timesum function to aggregate over time specifically (SUM: does not work).…
Create Shipping Export Module and Create a Saved View
In Level 2 Model Building : Conclusion, there's an 'Activity: Prepare Data Exports' that tell us to Create Shipping Export Module and Create a Saved View. I've made the formula and choose the format and summary method but I'm not sure if it was right. Here is the blueprint of my INV05 And here is the screenshot of the…
how to calculate WEEKNUMBER of a particular date in a year
Hi Anaplanners, i am stuck with one the calculation ,which requires me to calculate WEEK NUMBER of a date in the year.In excel we can use WEEKNUM Function to get the number of the week . eg,WEEKNUM(2020-03-02) = 10 How can i achieve this
Setting production lists
*Content reviewed for accuracy June 2020 Making sure that production data lists are correctly marked within a model is a key step to setting up and using Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). This guide will provide a solution to how someone can make revisions to their model to allow for the tagging of a list as a…
Timesum with Date
Hi I want to use Timesum function. In this page, we can use Timesum function with end date to start date. https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Dates-in-Timesum/idi-p/89565 But in Anapedia page, it is not suggested to use Date. https://help.anaplan.com/13d8b551-4e13-413b-a39f-f25579d21e38-TIMESUM Is there some…
Anaplan equivalent of the "Product" Function
I would like to use a formula that calculates the product of a series of items.
New Function To Convert Date Format to Text Format
It would be very useful to have this functionality rather than convert to numbers through DAY, MONTH, YEAR and back to text through TEXT function. Best practice would dictate to split these functions out but this increases clutter and causes unnecessary calculations in models.
Today() Function
I'm wondering why in Anaplan we can only have to input current period in Time. As we're using Anaplan as Supply Chain planification tools and we work really at planning on days level. So it's necessary for us to determine "today"'s date. The solution we use now is to launch an automatic import and update the "Today" item.…
Text Concatenation | Model Optimization Team series
Hello! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month, two of our analysts will take…
Number Formatting Precision / Stop dividing by 1000
I would like to propose a feature to instead of dividing by 1,000 to show items in thousands or 1,000,000 to show numbers in millions, that this is handled by the number formatting. This is a little used feature in excel where you can apply a format to a cell with the value $32,500 to display as $32.5. In this case the…
Analogue of SELECT CASE function
This would allow to exclude nested IF-THEN-ELSE constructions.
Issue on getting the values from the source module : Month (TIME) to Quarter (LIST) Concern
Hi, I am facing an issue in relation to getting the sales per quarter.Target Module : Account (List), Product (List), Quarter (List), Year (List) Source Module : Account (List), Product (List), Month (Time) I keep on getting zero value whenever I tried to lookup the sales from the source Module. I have already mapped the…
Subset Formula in General Lists
Hi Team, Can we have an option to have "Formula" in the General Lists --> 'Subsets' section. It would be easy to control Subsets using formulae. Thanks Sathya
I am calculating a minimum value, but I don't want the data to include zeros.
Hi, I want to calculate the minimum value but exclude all zeros. I tried previously suggested solutions, but it is still not working. Any ideas?
Ability to exclude zero values from AVERAGE calculation
A common requirement we see on customer implementations is to be able to calculate the average of a set of values but exclude zero values. For example if we have the following set of values (10,0,0,8,0), the average excluding zeros would be (10+8)/2 = 9. The current AVERAGE function cannot exclude zeroes and so gives an…
Users List as a basic Dimension
Hello, I ran to the several issues when I needed to calculate some values on the Top Users level. * Users list itself doesn't have Top Level and there isn't an option to add it. Therefore you can't get Total number for given line item that applies to Users List. I was trying to do some workarounds (creation of Dummy Users…
Add a Parent to a Line Item Subset
It would be nice to be able to add a Parent list/hierarchy to a Line Item Subset.
List cell "Contains" Typeahead
Description of enhancement: List cell input typeahead to work by "contains" typed text, not "starts with" (or make this a setting in blueprint format options). Example: The test list contained regions EMEA, APJ and NOAM. There's a list formatted line item in the module and if I type in the letter A, user wants all the 3…
Retrieving last non zero value for daily exchange rates
Hi, I have a daily exchange rate module which store the daily rates for multiple currencies. I wanted to get the last non-zero value for each date for example we have daily exchange rates for 1 Jan 2021 but none for 2nd and 3rd of Jan 2021, so the daily exchange rates for 3 Jan 2021 should display the rates of 1 Jan 2021…
ITEM function cannot be used on composite lists with Summary of "Formula"
To reproduce: 1. Create a parent list and a composite child list. 2. Create a module with 1 line item with formula "ITEM(Child List)" and list formatted to "Child List". Applies To should be "Child List". 3. Change Summary to "Formula", the following error is shown: The formula for 'mod1'.'item1' is invalid: 'item1' =…