TimeSum for a specific line item
First Module
List: SKU's
Dimension : weeks
Line item: Volume
Second Module
List: 1- 100 ( a list of the numbers 1 to 100)
Line items: Start week, End week, SKU, Item
I want a timesum in the second Module from the first module
TIMESUM('Volume Module'.'Volume', Start Week[LOOKUP: Item], End Week[LOOKUP: Item])
This works for the times, but I get the total for all SKu's. I cannot add a lookup to the Volume Module,
TIMESUM('Volume Module'.'Volume'[LOOKUP: Sku], Start Week[LOOKUP: Item], End Week[LOOKUP: Item])
Lookups can't be used in the first parameter of a timesum
I can't add the 1-100 and SKU list as a line item dimension as the module will become very very large.
Any suggestions?
Hi @DeveloperCYT,
You can achieve this by breaking the formula into 2 lines as follows-
Create 1 more line item in the first module with time dimension but no SKU dimension, create a new line item called "Volume selected SKU" with the formula Volume [Lookup:SKU]
Now in the 2nd module, use timesum on the new line item.0