Level 2 Sprint 3 3.3.6
Hi, I'm having difficulties in the Shipping Cost and Final Shipping Cost line items. The formula I used for both: Shipping Cost: Final Shipment Amount / 1000 * 'TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week'.'Cost per 1000 Units'[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product, LOOKUP: Shipping Method] Final Shipping Cost:…
Summing on Period (Quarter)
Hi, I need some help in summing on the maturity period (quarters). Module 1: no time dimension, standing data showing loan amounts in various currencies, and maturities. Module 2 is dimensioned by time (quarters) and the loan amounts are converted at the quarterly FX rates. Module 3 is dimensioned by time (quarters) and I…
Calculating the average of a balance sheet item for quarterly / annual totals
I have a number of balance sheet accounts (e.g. Closing Receivables*) for which I need to calculate the average value. This should be calculated as follows: - Monthly: average between the current month and prior month value - Quarterly Total: average of the last 4 data points - Annual Total: average of the last 13 data…
L2 Conclusion - REP05 Local Currency
Is there any issue with the formula for Local Currency? - Although it's fetching the correct result, want to check if there is anything else I'm missing. regards Sudhir
- Check your Work
My numbers are slightly off for some of them. I am not sure if one of my formulas is messed up, or what the issue is. If anyone can maybe point me in the right direction.
Confirmed PO Delivery - offset function
Hi i am trying to determine the formula of this line item - confirmed PO Delivery for INV01 inventory ordering module in Sprint 3 was working on the hints given to use offset function and if PO request if 1 came up with this but couldn't quite figure out how to use the offset function if PO submitted = 1 then offset ( ?,…
11.3.4 Activity: Add Formulas to Profit & Loss Report Module
Hi. requesting assistance in this part. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have transfer the file as directed but the number for forecast do not match. The data should be like this. Thank you
Return True if any Cell Value Within a Time Range Meets a Condition
Hello, I'm trying to display a submit checkbox (boolean) on the dashboard. However, I only want the checkbox to be available if the cell value for all years have a value greater than 0. The years you see in the image is a Time Range (so, not Model Calendar). I would appreciate any insights on how to approach this. Thanks.
12.4.3 Activity: Create Saved Views for Size Margin Report - ***Numbers are off***
I can not seem to understand why my numbers are off. Please help, I have been staring at this for 2 hours
why are the values not rolling up to parent by default in attached photo
3.5.5 Activity: Create Distribution Center Summary UX Page
HI, struggling a little to create below view I am able to achieve below using DAT01 but not able to remove the summaries.
Option to not include current period in YTD calculation but in YTG instead
Description of the enhancement required: YTD calc should NOT include the current week and YTG should include the current week. How would this engancement improve your processes: I do several YOY indexes and they are all incorrect because of this. When I compare YTD this year to YTD prior year there is always extra data in…
How to use the RANK function
Hi everyone. I would like to use RANK function and extract only the data for the most recent date. However, the module have over 10 million cells. RANK function cannot be used... What should I do now? The following error message is displayed. Best regards.
REP04 L1 - Datatype error
Hello, I am completing the Level 1 Model Builder but am getting an error during one of the exam questions. I am pretty sure my formulae are correct but i dont understand what the error is telling me nor what to look to resolve. It is: 'Datatype mapping used for aggregation doesn't match any dimension of the result'. Can…
- Inventory Ordering Module Formulas
Hi, From Inventory Ordering Module Formulas I am not getting correct output for 2 line items - Beginning inventory and shipping time weeks. Beginning Inventory - IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'NOT First Week of Timescale?' THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory'.Beginning Inventory…
what would be the formula for referring Previous year value in current year ?
For example, I want to refer the value of last year july 2022 in current month July 23. the line item is Past year revenue where I just want to show same month revenue from previous year, how could I achieve that?
Week Coverage, also known as forward coverage or stock cover
A description of the enhancement requested Week Coverage, also known as forward coverage or stock cover. As an example we have Forecast Sales and Current Stock. Formula should calculate how many future periods of forecast will be covered by Current stock. This is achievable in Anaplan with below function: Look Forward +…
what does item() and code() do in lessons 6/7?
trying to figure out what each element in CODE(ITEM('E2 Employees#')) does - i have read the documentation https://help.anaplan.com/41298b7a-e877-40e8-8cfa-8d7009d8686f-ITEM and https://help.anaplan.com/0e20099c-af47-4343-9ad9-3a20b580d2de-CODE but still can't grasp the idea: what does item return? then what does code…
Unit Testing is for finding bugs, not show correctness
Architect, Builders; Having worked projects with hundreds of bugs, the natural question is how did this happen? The solution passes User Acceptance Testing means that it was adequately tested. This could be a paradigm shift for some in thinking about unit testing. Doing a quality job of it adds time to get a solution to…
Want to match a property that one data source has to another data source
Hi, I currently have two different Data Sources in my Model (D01 & D02). They both share a MID and a CID that can link the data together. I need to be able to look up my data in my D02 Module by a List named Legal Process. I'm having difficulties making this List match the data in my D02. I know I can potentially create a…
Update Formula's Automatically
Hi All, Is there anyway by which formula's can be directly imported in a module for a line item? The blueprint view import option does allow to import a new line with a parent and a code from a file or any other module but is there anyway that the formula's also get updated automatically from another module or a csv file?…
How to choose multiple departments in page selector
I'm creating dashboards for budget owners at my firm. In the dashboard I have a variance analysis module showing budget vs actual. If one of my page selectors is the department (Dev, Sales, G&A) and i wanted to show only software dev, and strategy under the dev department in the module how could i do it so that the budget…
Formula showing YTD actuals + Remaining Year Forecast
I'm looking to build a formula that would show the current YTD actual expenses, + the remaining year forecasted expenses to arrive to my FY total expenses. The current model we have set up adds together "Expense from direct Input plan" (Basically our YTD actuals) and adds this value to another column called "Expense from…
How to use “LOOKUP” function in Anaplan: Explanation through an example
Hello Anaplan Community, During my Level-I and Level-II trainings I thought that it would be useful if an explanation with an detailed simulation for use of LOOKUP and SUM functions. There for I prepared a detailed explanation for each functions. Below you can find the explanation with an detailed simulation for use of…
TEXTLIST summary for line items with format set to Text
As Model Builder, I want to have additional choice - TEXTLIST - when selecting summary for line items formatted as Text. When TEXTLIST is selected, summary should join/concatenate lower level data. Preferably, joining should be done using separator defined by user (as different appilcations may need comma, colon, dot,…
Count line items
Hi, I am looking for a way to count the number of TRUE items for a Boolean formatted line item. As per above image, since 3 of the Booleans are selected, I need a mechanism where I can get 3 as the output (it could be in different module as well)
Regex Formula
It would be very helpful to include a regex style formula in Anaplan so we can pre-process text fields ahead of an integration, or even help to cleanse messy inbound text. Currently if we want to remove special characters, or parse strings into cleaner formats we have to specify one by one the characters we wish to remove…
Dates in Timesum
Timesum formula currently works with time periods. When the granularity of the data is Days, the formula cannot return anything (although it does not generate an error). The idea here is to enable Timesum to also work with Dates so that we can apply this formula to more granular use cases.
Level 2 Sprint 3: Shipping Methods Formula
In the Inventory Ordering Module, I'm trying to use the below formula for Shipping Method:- 'SYS07 Distribution Center Details'.Default Shipping(LOOKUP : 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Supplied By)But I'm getting an "Invalid Formula" error.'SYS07 Distribution Center Details'.Default Shipping is list formatted to "Shipping…
How do I take MAX value of weeks and use it as my monthly value?
To illustrate Module A in Model #1 has a weekly time dimension My goal is to take the highest weekly MTA number of a given month and bring it to a new Model that's dimensioned by months and use the MAX weekly value from Model #1 as my new monthly value in Model #2 MTA's time summary in model #1 is set to Max When I brought…