Supply Chain Related Functions
Just like we have functions for Financial (COUPDAYBS, COUPDAYSNC, etc) and Call Center Planning (AGENTS,ANSWERTIME, ARRIVALRATE) can we have something similar to support Supply Chain Planning? Like End of Stock, Beginning Inventory, etc based on input parameters?
Summary Method for Lookup function
Hi, What is the best workaround when using the Lookup Function and you need a Formula Summary Method? Currently, Anaplan does not allow this and for some cases, especially using % accounts, it is best to use the Formula aggregation in order to get the right math at top level hierarchies and Time Summaries (i.e, All…
Prior Year YTD total option for Time Ranges
Hi, We have a large reporting requirement for reporting versus prior year for reporting month and Year to date. The month is easily achievable but if we want to create views that compare Prior year to date versus current year to date its a lot more fiddly. Alot of our monthly reporting is done through the Excel Add in and…
Time dimension formula
Source Module has Year, Target module has Months. Source - Time dimension (YEAR), Cost center dimension, Line Item Target - Time dimension (Months), Cost Center dimension, Line item Source has rate by year, for example for FY23, Want to bring FY23 rates to all the months in target module. What formula would i use in terms…
Assign values to duplicate items
Hi I have below module that is update every few days UID Name From Date To Date 1 A1 17-Jan 2 B1 17-Jan 3 C1 17-Jan 4 D1 17-Jan two records were updated when the next time(eff from) the job runs like below UID Name From Date To Date 1 A1 17-Jan 2 B1 17-Jan 3 C1 17-Jan 4 D1 17-Jan 5 A1 25-Jan 6 B1 25-Jan I want to…
Rolling NPV with timescale workaround
Author: Iain Briggs is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Associate Director at Lionpoint Group. One known limitation of Anaplan’s NPV function is that it calculates across the full timescale. However, a relatively common requirement in investment analysis is to generate a rolling NPV — in other words, to calculate the NPV…
L2S3 Activity 3.3.12 Sys01 time settings by week module
May I know if I have this correct: Line Item Planning Period Filter: the formula is 'Sys00 Time settings by month'.planning period filter Line Item Planning period Filter weeks only: monthvalue('Sys00 Time settings by month'.planning period filter)
Level 3 Model Building: Schema Design - Part 2
Hi Team, Plz help me with the formula for Define in Active Subset? line item from chapter (4.2) List Subsets - Advanced Topics As I am unable to add subset in to the formula. @jared @Misbah
NPV with rolling start date
Hi - I am trying to build a module with an NPV calculation which in each month calculates the NPV of cashflows starting from the next month until the last time period in the module. So in Jan-24 it would calculate the NPV with cashflows from Feb-24 to the end of the module. Then in Feb-24 it would calculate the NPV from…
Average of active months
Hi, I have a module which shows asset values on a quarterly basis. For terminated products, the current asset values are nil. However, instead of showing nil, I want to show the average asset value when in existence. In my module there is a line item for product status and this can be active, liquidating, terminated but…
getting the error: "Dimension of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the result"
I am doing level 1 model building(Activity-9.2.5 Activity: Add Formulas to Price Growth Rates Staging Module) When i try to enter the formula for the lineitem 'Unit Price %' i get the following error- "Dimension of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the result" . My Formula- 'REV04 Price Growth…
Splitting out a text field using a delimiter
Hi Everyone. Just wondering if anyone had managed to find a way to split a text field out to show all characters to the left or right of a delimiter, rather than a specific number of characters. (Similar to the way it works in a Text to columns formula) We have had a change in our HR system, and for our Egypt staff their…
Setting up dynamic list of values
Hi We have a requirment as below. We are setting up a General List to track the consumption of hardwares at different sites in the world. There are two columns in this general list. One is Combination which can have three values (Region/Country/Site). The next column is Combination_Name. The idea is based on the value…
Case - % Increase on Previous List Item
Hi All, I am working on one use case where need to calculated the value on the basis of previous list item. Module doesn't have a time dimension. But I've created mapping module to identify the previous item. Please see below screenshot for your reference. Final Value = Previous (final Value)* % increase. Can you suggest…
LOOKUP function
Hello everyone, Want to the mapping criteria you could use, the time source data does not have the same dimensions as with the target the result by using LOOKUP function. Thanks,
Add Bulk Copy to action list to be added in process chain.
Hi there, Current limitations with the version dimension mean we are not able to select Version as a list formatted line item (there is a separate ticket with community support on this topic). Because of that, we are forced to do a number of data moves using custom version lists, list subsets, and collect statements to…
Level 2 Sprint 1 - Add Formula to SYS13 Line Item
Hi, Can I please get some help with the formula for this? Thanks
Consistent Y-Axis Scales Across Multiple Charts
Hi, Fellow Anaplanners, Could anyone provide guidance on how to configure two distinct charts so that they share the same scale on their y-axes? This is necessary for ensuring a consistent and accurate comparison between the datasets represented in each chart. What are the steps or settings adjustments needed to achieve…
Help with Formula LI 'Currently Optimized Through'
Hi, I'm trying to create a formula that will pick up the first day when the LI 'Y02 Accounts (Forecast)'.'Closing Balance (01)' is less than 1 million in the forecasting days. The formula below is what I created. It is not pulling in a date. Formula IF 'Y02 Accounts (Forecast)'.'Closing Balance (01)' < 1100000 AND 'S01…
Sum and Lookup using 2 mapping tables
Hi All, I currently have a module with 2 lists with data that need to be in another P&L list via 2 mapping tables using a methodology. Source Data dimensions: List 1, List 2, Time: Month Target P&L dimensions: P&L List, Time: Quarter This is the methodology: * If List 1 Mapping Table.Methodology = Methodology List 1 then I…
Private Equity _ performance fee and carried interest calculations
Hi presently I’m in the process of building a hybrid waterfall calculation model —- where I need to show both portfolio company information as well as Investor level carry calculations. I build modules surrounding investor level carried calculations - should I proceed building out modules to incorporate the positions as…
Workaround for Parent Child Relationship for Boolean Lookup
Hello, I am trying to do a workaround where I am not able to directly map a Parent and Child relationship but the users would want to be able to alert owners of a subsidiary account living in a different territory that they want that subsidiary to follow their HQ account. A specific example would be: Account 1 HQ has 4…
What is most computational demanding on the system, if statement or max formula
Hi, I have a question, I have encountered in some of our models, where we want to limit a value to be 0 if it is negative. The way we have done this so far is by making an if statement so: if A > 0 then A else 0. Since Anaplan has Max, I thought this could be used, at least to make it easier to follow. The big question is…
OEG Best Practice: Formula structure for performance
Thinking through the results of a modeling decision is a key part of ensuring good model performance; in other words, making sure the calculation engine isn’t overtaxed. This article highlights some ideas for how to lessen the load on the calculation engine. Formulas should be simple; a formula that is nested, or uses…
2.3.10 Activity: Create Demand Forecast Sprint 2
Hello Everyone I have a logical question to make sure my approach and formula is correct for demand forecast in question on the LEVEL 2 SPRINT 2 activity . As we see, we have to create the baseline forecast for the current FY by importing the historic volumes data to the current FY from previous year FY19 data which we…
I have an issue where I am creating a fillable form for a client that includes entering a start and end date. So the user would chose a client and then a product, enter start and end dates and I need to then sum the revenue based on those choices. So, ideally I would be able to TIMESUM based on the dates chosen and LOOKUP…
Monte Carlo Simulations
Monte Carlo method is an algorithmic technique used to understand the impact of the variability of a set of drivers in a forecasting model, using a probabilistic approach. It is widely used in environments where the number of drivers involved and their volatility is high and documented, especially in market finance. It…
Adding a user-specific selection to a calculation without using the User list?
Hello, i am trying to find a solution to the following user story: There are a set of modules for a reporting page that currently consist of multiple dimensions (we cannot use a combined list of only possible combinations due to the users not liking the loss of flexibility). These modules return a calculation that needs to…
Support formula wildcard characters so that formulas dont need to be constantly updated
Would like to be able to use wildcard characters in anaplan formulas, specifically in the SELECT function. Ie. I have this: IF Version Selection.Selection[SELECT: VERSIONS.'2018 Actuals'] THEN "SBUDGET" I'd like something like this IF Version Selection.Selection[SELECT: VERSIONS.'???? Actuals'] THEN "SBUDGET" where ????…
Production Adjustments in ICM model - looking for ideas
Context: * We have an ICM (Incentive Compensation Management) model with a DAT03 module that is an upload (from our data hub > SQL query) of all the monthly transactions we need to pay IC on. It includes all the production amounts, sales reps, product type and many other dimensions. * Our module also applies production…