Using LOOKUP and SUM with Formula summary method

A detailed description of the enhancement that is being requested.

We would like to request an enhancement that would allow to use LOOKUP and SUM with Formula summary method.


Currently Anaplan doesn’t allow to do so, although in many cases it is needed and doesn’t break the math.

step 1.png


If available, could you please provide a picture or an example of the enhancement when implemented?


For example here I use Last non-blank summary in Last Project column. I want Volume line item to take given Project each time on lowest level, but lookup for Last Project at Summaries:

step 2.png

If Formula summary would be possible, Volume at ISC – ID 2009 would be 1000 as in the last line above.

To provide more clarification, could you please explain how you hope the enhancement would assist in your business process(es)?


It would ease building of the modules, where business requires to take into account different reference at lower and higher levels, using complex criteria.

58 votes

New · Last Updated


  • Status changed to: New
  • This would be a great addition, saving space for extra line items that are currently needed to get around this issue.

  • I really liked this Idea. This would make our work more easier.

  • This is really needed.

  • This issue still persists, has anyone been able to find a workaround for this? 

    EDIT: found the workaround in this link :

  • Is there an update on this being considered on the roadmap? We run into this issue a lot.

  • Is there an update on this being considered on the roadmap? On retail clients is a really common issue and the workaround takes a lot of space and lows the performance

  • This would really help a lot.

  • We usually prefer to use summary methods for reportings / dahsboarding purposes only.

    If / when we need to have specific calc results, we usually build a dedicated modul that does the job without any summary methods at all (and it s recommended in anaplan best practices).

    It gets a bit of practice to get how to do it, but once you get used to it, it works like a charm and it is less prone to regressions or strange behaviours that come with the summary methods workings (we had some real headache using formulas in summary methods for intercompany eliminations and scraped them at the end)

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