Convert Months to Quarter
Hi, How can I sum my months to get the quarter value in another module? My source module is using month, i turned off of the summary SUM for Time. (to save space) My target module, i want to get the quarter value of my source. Thanks, Tom
Is there any way i can convert number to text format but still following the number format for comma
Unable to convert number to Text following comma format, Could anyone help me out of this problem? Thanks in advance
Convert month number to month (month period)
Hi, I am looking for a way to convert a month number (f.e. 1) to month name (f.e. 'Jan 20'). How would you do this? Kind regards, Catheline
Convert CUMULATE functions to PREVIOUS | Model Optimization Team series
Hello! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month, two of our analysts will take…
Select Function using Versions
Hi, In version settings, I have 2 versions 1. Actual 2. Forecast but none of those versions are marked as True for Current (Refer screen-shot). I Created 2 Modules 1. Source Module 2. Target Module Source Module has Versions and Locations as a dimensions, Line Item - Source LI (Number) Target Module has Locations as a…
Alias Names for Time, Versions, Modules, Line Items and Dashboards
Hi Anaplan, It would be great for Anaplan to allow users to create alias names for: time, versions, modules, dashboard, list and lineitems. Thanks, Usman
Commission calculation
Hi, Can anyone tell me whether the below calculation is correct or not? If yes, then can someone please clarify why the quarterly balances are different Thanks AB
Error - Array index out of bounds
Hi, I have a OUTPUT module that has 10 line items - I made a LISS out them and created a SYSTEM module with the LISS as a dimension in order to map the LISS to a list. I then go back to the the OUTPUT module and reference a CALC module for a number, and do a LOOKUP on the SYSTEM module. This works for all line items except…
dependent dropdown multiple condition
Hi, Is there a way to make a line item( dropdown list format) to have multiple conditions? example : I want my GL account dropdown to be filtered based on the account type selected (parent of the GL account) and based on the cost center selected? GL account is dependent on both the cost center selected and the account type…
Conditional Formatting on Line Items based on values from other modules with same dimensions
Hi, It would be great if it was possible to format line items based on line items from other modules with the same dimension without having to bring in that line item into the same module. Thanks, Usman
Level 3 Commission Forecast
I'm currently struggling with the calculation of the monthly commissions FC. Issue: Quarterly commission Forecast: Unable to get quarter values by sales rep. How to bring down Annual sales target into Quarterly? Kindly help me on this.
Level 2 Model Building Conclusion - DEM04 Demand Export Demand values
Hi, Could someone please help me with the following? Solution DEM04 should be this: My DEM04 Demand Export: My values are way higher, Demand line item is not for each product SKU. How can I fix this? My DEM04 blueprintview: Baseline Forecast: Thanks in advance!
Anaplan Level 2 Conclusion - Create Demand Export Module and Create a Saved View
Can someone help me why I am getting different demand number pulled up? Instruction: My Anaplan Blueprint Mode: My data Check your Work:
Alternatives to Rank in Polaris engine
Hi Community members, I am looking for some alternatives to assign sequential ordering in Polaris model as the default "Rank" function is unavailable there. Thank you!
- Create Planning Period Filters
Confused on which Line Item I'm building a formula for, I'm assuming both. Also this is the formula I used to so that the weeks in that month are selected as well when you select the month are as follows. Please advise. MONTHVALUE('SYS00 Time Settings by Month'.Planning Period Filter), Kind of confused why would not want…
Date Line Item using Min Summary
Hello I am using line item formatted as date with 6 level hierarchy. I am using summary as Min for the same. I am facing issues where if there is no date in my list P6, i am getting 12/31/2399 for all NonBlank list members. Please advise best way to handle it without doing any hardcoding. Regards MO
How to convert text to date
Hi , I have a text formatted line item which is a date .I want to convert it to Date format . I tried to break it into three Year ,Month and day using Value(RIGHT(Line item,4)) Value(Mid(Line item,4,2)) Value(LEFT(line Item,2)) It works for 12/10/2012 but what about 2/3/2012 ?? Note -- Can't change source text to date…
Use formula to integrate data at multiple levels of list hierarchy
Hello, my model has a list hierarchy of "FND01 Fund" and "FND02 Series". FND01 has a top level of "All Investments." The model also contains three modules with data values at each level of the hierarchy - Total, Fund, and Series - and I want to integrate this data into a unified report as shown below: I need to write a…
- Import Data & Add Formula
Can someone help me figure out what formula I need here? All the columns are filled. What am I missing?
How to change date format DD MMM YYYY
Hi, I have a date formatted line item (example: 4/1/2020) - this is in mm/dd/yyyy format However, i want to show as 1 April 2020 or 1 Apr 2020. How do I do that?
Leading zeroes in anaplan
I want to fix the length by appending zeroes :- Consider below example where i am having 3 Prod ID :- 1234 1234567 123 Below is the result i am expecting:- 0000001234 0001234567 0000000123 Generally we call this left/right padding or leading zeroes.
Spread Function - Divide by numbers with decimals
Hello, we are using the spread function for bookings to revenue conversion. We would like to be able to spread by a non-whole number of periods, i.e. 51.6. Currently this is a constraint on this function. Can this be changed to allow numbers with decimals?
Cumulate calculation but skip 1st item
Do you have any ideas to calculate this; what I need? If I make a line item called "for lookup" and use LOOKUP formula, I can do this. However I need to fill in "for lookup" manually. I simplify the case here and "Figure" should be calculated using "What I need", so I cannot use "Figure" since it becomes circulation…
SUM Function Example
I tried to create a simple SUM function. In a video it explains transaction as Line Item whereas I failed it as Line Item. So I tried using Transaction as a List. It worked out. Can you please let me know, if I am right or wrong? I have shared Screenshots for reference.
OEG Best Practice: Line item subsets demystified
Line item subsets are one of the most powerful and efficient features in Anaplan, yet one of the least understood. The COLLECT() function is probably the only “black box” function within Anaplan as is it not immediately apparent what it is doing or where the source values are coming from. In the following article, I will…
Formula change in Opening and Closing line items.
Hi Team, I needed small help to optimize the formula from Half-Year to Full-year. Current working System: If Jan 2021 (Budget) H1 Opening HC we were referring to Closing HC of Dec 2020(Actual) and IF July 2021(H2) we were referring to Jun 2021(Actual) Proposed System: If Jan 2021 (Budget) H1 Opening HC we were referring to…
Having boolean true for certain hierarchy levels only
I have a hierarchy consisting three levels (product/product family/total products. Similar to the one in the trainings) and I tried to do some conditional formatting on it (need to use it as other tables on dashboard have list/line item subsets in it so needed to create a consistent outlook) I thought using an if formula…
SUM and LOOKUP | Model Optimization Team series
Hi! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month, two of our analysts will take…
LEVEL 1 -Part 08 activity- Add Formulas to Line Items in REV03 Margin Calculation_ Error
The formula for Line item Revenue and Cost of Sales line items is not working and giving an error as below. This is from LEVEL 1 -Part 08 activity- Add Formulas to Line Items in REV03 Margin Calculation. Kindly help ERROR: The formula for 'REV03 Margin Calculation'.Cost of Sales is invalid ;REV02 Volume Inputs'.Volumes is…
How do I exclude zeros from a MIN aggregation?
I am building an output module to show some statistics around account pipeline by industry. I want to be able to show the smallest pipeline. Since some accounts have zero pipeline, the standard MIN function returns zero, but I want it to return the MIN excluding zeros. How can I do this? Here's an example of what I'm…