PowerPoint Add-in Improvement
In case a slide with a connection to a model is copied into a different PowerPoint file, the connection should not get lost.
Ability to Bind Http Request to an Action Button
I would like to create an action button in Anaplan that allows users to call external APIs by passing headers, query parameters, and a lightweight payload. This button would be published for users to trigger API requests with a simple click. Ideally, Anaplan would automatically refresh the dashboard and its source model…
True ALM for Anaplan Data Orchestrator
Currently ADO only has a single tenant level environment to all store source data, transformations, and links. This can make managing ALM challenging. Being able to have separate (and sync-able) ADO Dev/Test/Prod environment(s) would be more manageable than housing everything in a single tenant wide space. Having true ALM…
Enable API or Save as Action for Exporting Dashboards to PDF
Currently, there is no direct way to export Management Reports, NUX Dashboards, or Classic Dashboards in PDF format via API or through an automated process. This limitation impacts reporting workflows, as users often need to manually export dashboards, which is time-consuming and inefficient. The ideal solution would be to…
Regading User access provisioning
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Right now we are able to do worlkspace level users retrive but we need to do access proviomingin spoke model level as well need to…
Use Custom Fixed position pattern for 13 periods of 4 weeks
On loading data into a module, the Time dimension Custom patterns are based around a true calendar month, 1-12. There isn't a custom mapping pattern for periods which where the system time is set to 13 periods of 4 weeks. For instance, using custom YYYY_MM or YYYY?MM for the below data, would allow to load the data…
CSV Handling - Blank first row
When a CSV is imported if the file does not have headers and the data in last column (or multiple last columns) of the first row is blank the last column is ignored and not available as part of the import. How often is this impacting your users? This impacts multiple clients, when it is an issue then it impacts frequently.…
Model Copy and Archive through Actions
Many of the projects have a recurring activity of Model copy and Archive every month and there are many processes before and after them which can be automated through the execution of Actions/Process and can be triggered by cloud-works or similar integration tools. I would love if the Anaplan comes up with a action which…
Ability to add Notification Banner in the Bell Icon at Tenant Level
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Currently if the admins want to roll out the information to all of its users (without sending emails or use group chats) , there is…
Use Microsoft EntraID for Azure Blobs
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Use Microsoft EntraID to connect to Anaplan and use this EntraID to connect to an Azure Blob, instead of using a SAS token. Our…
Add a Mapping table in Import Action
The workarounds are not appropriate for my current requirement so i need to add a landing module then map it which is very costly iin terms of workspace as the data sets are very large for this client. ask: Would like to map in bound data to a non-native version using a mapping table. workaround: we set the import to ask…
Request to add more detailed messages for AnaplanV2 connectors in the Informatica session log
The Anaplan V2 Connector currently does not record session logs adequately, often only logging generic messages. WRITER_1_*_1> CCI_WRITER_1000 [2024-09-13 14:27:58.498] [ERROR] Write Failed. Internal Error: Adapter Write returned Failure!!! This leads to delays in problem identification and requires additional tasks, such…
Anaplan Data Orchestrator - Missing Features
I have been playing around with ADO for weeks, I must say it is a powerful tool. I understand it is evolving but I think these features should be part of ADO when more features are released. When the model object is deleted in the model after the creation of Link in ADO, Link in ADO should get disabled or should break the…
Lookups to apply to LISS Parent Line items
Hi Anaplan Community, I'm encountering an issue with my Anaplan model where a lookup function isn't picking up values from line item subset with line items that have "Is summary" turned on. If I keep the "Is summary" checked in the source module, the only way I can retrieve the values in this line is by using the "SELECT"…
ADO Access
Hi Everyone, Can anyone will help me how can i get the access for Anaplan Data Orchestrator(ADO). Regards Rakesh ****
Feature Request: Add missing countries to the country list
The Geo-mapping downloads section kindly provides a list of countries and their Anaplan IDs, but unfortunately this list is far from perfect. A few more countries need to be added, here is a modest example that we specifically need: • Cayman Islands • Faroe Islands • French Polynesia • Guam • Macao • New Caledonia • Puerto…
Actions Tab Improvements
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Looking to review trend Process executions and durations. How often is this impacting your users? We are currently implementing API…
Comments in formula
To enhance the auditabilty of code it would be very helpful if developers could annotate the code to explain 'why' in some cases, especially in complex conditional statements. As a visiting consultant i know i am leaving a model in the hands of others and its a good help to them. Other software does this by //make note REM…
Anaplan Data Orchestrator (ADO) - AMQP Connector
We have implemented a event driven architecture in order to interface our application (including Anaplan) in "close to real time". However, the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is not supported for the time being by ADO, which forces us to use an additionnal middleware. This would allow us to implement a seemless…
Anaplan Data Orchestrator (ADO) - Usage Values Missing
As an Integration Administrator (IA), I would like to view my ADO usage not just in % terms but in value terms, So that I can plan my ADO Storage and Tables consumption reasonably, if my tenant is going to have limited numbers on those two usage categories. Currently it is not transparent to me as an IA on what is the…