8.5.2 Activity on level 1 model building. How to reduce the imported data numbers?
I am doing my level 1 model building training. When I import the data in 8.5.2 Activity I get a price higher than it should be (in the picture it says 84 when the example says that it should be 0.84). Why is the data doing this when I import? How can I fix it?
Anaplan Partners for FP&A
Hey there, Has anyone implemented Financial Planning & Analysis in Anaplan for an organization without an Anaplan partner or a light one? If so, how was your experience? Thanks! Andrew
Model Building and Correct Role
I just started at a new company that uses Anaplan. My boss would like me to learn to build models and dashboards in Anaplan. I understand that I might need to have a workspace administrator role in order to build models. Is that correct? What would you advise is the best course of action for someone learning Anaplan who…
Enable API or Save as Action for Exporting Dashboards to PDF
Currently, there is no direct way to export Management Reports, NUX Dashboards, or Classic Dashboards in PDF format via API or through an automated process. This limitation impacts reporting workflows, as users often need to manually export dashboards, which is time-consuming and inefficient. The ideal solution would be to…
Are we able to indent bullets in a text box in the UX?
I am trying to type out a list of instructions using numbered bullets. The instructions will end up being about 10 steps so they will be numbered 1-10. I want to be able to add sub-bullets (a,b,c, etc) under instructions but I can't figure out how to indent them. Does anyone know of an easy way to indent the bullet points…
While importing into system, how to highlight data already present in the module/list but
While importing into system, how to highlight data already present in the module/list but not present in the file.
Level 3 technical examination
Hi everyone, I was undergoing my level 3 examinations of which I have completed my model building Knowledge exam successfully. However, on the technical examination, I am not getting any answer correct, despite some of the questions being straight forward and can even be picked up from the excel dump provided. (Not that…
Reorder line items functionality for end users
Ability for the front-end users to reorder the line items in a grid in worksheet view. Currently the functionality is availability for model builders only.
- Add DCA to INV01 Inventory Ordering
Hi Team, I am struggling here with the DCA issue. Where can I select the line item to override the suggested order amount? for only specific weeks and the same thing with Override Shipping Method? . Please find the screenshot below for your reference. AD02 Inventory Ordering Overides - INV01 Inventory Ordering Read/Write…
Sprint 3 Purchase Order Line Items - Confirmed PO Delivery
Hi, When i am testing submit purchase order request for Cookie Crumbs_EN. In Week 9 FY20, select the Boolean for Submit Purchase Order Request? Comitted PO delivery should be enabled for Week 13, instead it is enabling for week 5 Please find the formulas i have added below, don't know where i made a mistake, sharing all…
Access to the Anaplan workspace
I want to complete Anaplan level 3 for that i require Anaplan workspace access so i want to Connect with model builders for opportunities for model builder junior roles. Please help me.
Solution Architect Certification
Hi Everyone, I have completed my Level 2 in April 2019 & Level 3 in June 2020. After that, I have switched my job so both the models are in old organization's workspace & transferring them to new workspace isn't possible. Now, I wanted to get Solution Architect Certification & for that I have to update my models. So, can…
Bat file to Salesforce import
Hello, we use bat files to import data into Anaplan via Stored Proc. Now we're switching to Salesforce. I am new to Salesforce and cannot interact effectively with the Salesforce team. I'm researching how to import data from Salesforce into Anaplan. There is a technique to export as.csv and import. We were unable to…
Issue with Cloudworks Scheduled Process Not Updating Target Modules
Hi Team, I am facing an issue with Cloudworks. When I run a process manually, it updates the data in the target modules. However, when I schedule the same process in Cloudworks, it runs successfully but the data is not copied to the target modules. There are no Selective Access or DCA applied. Is anyone else facing the…
Level 2 - Conclusion: Export data from INV01
I am currently working on the Conclusion for Level 2. When preparing the export saved view for INV01 Beginning Inventory, I noticed I have significantly different numbers in my module as compared to the example .csv and the screenshot from the course. I am wondering if there is something obvious I am missing, or if I need…
Help Needed with COUNTIF Equivalent Formula in Anaplan
Hi Anaplanners, I have a doubt about Anaplan. I know it's a silly question, but I'm not able to solve it in Anaplan. If anyone has an idea, please explain it to me. I have attached a screenshot to this post for reference. Problem:In Excel, please refer to the N column, which is already highlighted. They are using the…
8.6.4 Activity: REV03 Margin Calculation Error
I am working on activity 8.6.4 Activity: Add Formulas to Margin Calculation Module I have some different numbers to what are there in the screenshot shared in the lesson after Check Your Work. Can someone guide me on what I am doing wrong I am attaching my numbers screenshot of what I get for output and the blueprint view.
[Exam Level 3]
Is there any luck to get level 3 certificate if I missed 2 attempts
Excluding Ticked Booleans
Within a list, is it possible to create a list subset based out of formula to exclude ticked booleans from other list subset of the same list?
Inquiry Regarding Anaplan Integration Process and Schedule
I have created an 3 Integration Process and added it to the Integration Flow and Schedule using my ID. I have a couple of questions regarding this setup: If the update schedule is modified using a different ID, will the process continue to run under my name, or will it reflect the name associated with the new ID? In the…
Graph time selection?
Hello, I have a table and a graph based on a table. The selection that I have in Years, Quarters and Month. The Table should move on every selection of Year, Quarter or Month but the Graph I just want to stay only on the year selection. So my graph should show all the month of the year regardless of the selection of the…
Fixed landing page (home page) for UX
Is it possible to set a page as a "landing page" on which the customer can land every time they open Anaplan? I hope you can help me, thanks😊
'Manage models' - ability to sort by Name / Date Created / Size
After each planning cycle or major model change, we make a backup of our models. This of course has led to a number of archived models which usually save in order of date created at the bottom. Please can we add the ability to sort by Name or Date Created or Size. This would really help in looking for a particular model we…
Percentage Format issue on UX page
Description: I have a module with PV(dimension) Filters as dimension and I am displaying the Value line item on UX which is same as the Module dimension. But the Value line item is getting the data from other line item Actual vs Scenario 1 % which has ss_Actual vs Scenario 1% (dimension) - Which is a subset of PV filters…
How do I select a prior list item without getting a circular reference
I am trying to build a model that looks like the above screen shot. Tier 1 - Tier 5 are list items and everything in the top row are list items. I am having trouble getting any ending balance to work (for reference, I'm able to begin the tier 2 starting balance and so on and so forth to pull the ending balance from the…
Error Line item for Assignees in Group Task for Workflow
Hi All, I've been working in Anaplan Workflow, when it comes to group task I am facing with a challenge. I chose a line-item driven assignee method in the Group Task, but I was not able to assign the particular line item for assignees. The error showing in the line item for assignees: "There are no valid line items.…
What does an Anaplan model Builder do?
Ans;-Your job is to unlock the power of the Anaplan platform. You will design and build your Anaplan models, prepare the data to serve your end-users, and deliver a fantastic user experience that drives Anaplan adoption. This tailor-made onboarding site serves to provide you with the information you need to be successful.
Option to Zoom in and out of the Anaplan Modelling screen
When to view numbers or check closely some numbers it would be great to have the option of zoom in and zoom out on the Anaplan window page for all the modules, list and tab would be very helpful to the modelers
Finished LEVEL2
Hello Thank you to everyone who has answered my question and doubts and helped me understand and solve exercises. SO thats it? This is the model builder certificate? how to I get the model builder batch? Thank you ALL
When is module DAT02 SKU Volumes Module created for import in LEVEL2 Model Building: Conclusion
Hello, I'm on Level 2 Model Building: Conclusion, and it says that I have to import the Demand data into the DATA02 SKU Volumes module, However I do not have that module in my Level 1 Model , Did I miss a step? When is this module created? Thanks in advanced, Marta