Graph time selection?


I have a table and a graph based on a table. The selection that I have in Years, Quarters and Month. The Table should move on every selection of Year, Quarter or Month but the Graph I just want to stay only on the year selection.

So my graph should show all the month of the year regardless of the selection of the quarter.

For now, if I choose Q1, the graph will show only 3 month, but i want the graph to show all the month until December regardless of the selection of the Q1, or Q2. The Table shoud move accordingly to the selection

Thanks a lot


  • Hi,

    As I understood, You want to move the graph on the months basis on year selection . For this u need to create one another filter line item which will drive only year & will show months for that year.

    And use that line item for the graph as a filter.

    Hope that helps.



  • Hi @Ashutosh thanks for this. I have tried this but the graph still moved when selecting the quater. Do you have an example of the formula I should use for the line item you stated above? Highly apreciated


  • Ashutosh
    edited May 2024

    Can u share the Screenshot of selection module where user is selecting month, qtr & year?

    So, I will give u formula accordingly

  • Ashutosh
    edited May 2024

    Have u created like this or how user is selecting. Can u show grid view not blueprint

  • there are 3 different filters and they are put in the UX as Grid for selection purpose

  • Assuming you have the year selection model as shown in below:

    1. Create a another line item called Graph filter dimensioned by month as shown in below screenshot and apply the formula Yearvalue(Select Year) and use that graph filter on grid which is used for the graph.

    Hope That helps you.

