Issue with Cloudworks Scheduled Process Not Updating Target Modules

Hi Team,

I am facing an issue with Cloudworks. When I run a process manually, it updates the data in the target modules. However, when I schedule the same process in Cloudworks, it runs successfully but the data is not copied to the target modules. There are no Selective Access or DCA applied.

Is anyone else facing the same issue?

If anyone knows the solution, please help me.

Thank you!


  • Hi, are you talking about model to model import or import from AWS/Azure/Google Cloud to Anaplan?

  • Yes, I am experiencing the same issue. Mine is model to model and I have a feeling that it has to do with the schedule getting impacted by scheduled Anaplan maintenance. I have had to re-create my schedule in the past to get it to work again. I may try to create a "weekday" vs. "weekend" schedule and specifically avoid the Saturday maintenance window to see if that is truly the cause. It's frustrating.

  • Hi @pyrypeura - It's a model-to-model Import,

    and It's Scheduled every day at 6:30 AM IST.

  • And there is not selective access in the source model either?

  • Stacey_Gibbens
    edited August 2024

    I recently learned that the problem WAS selective access and that it needed to be applied within the list. During my call with Support, I asked them why the Internal (Full Access) user wasn't available in "Users" in order to make the provisioning requirement easy as well as obvious!? They asked me to put in a suggestion, so I did…. I think a lot of companies are impacted, since Anaplan made some changes about how selective access was being applied a few months ago. They didn't call out any changes, but changes happened. :(

    Anyway, here's a link to my Idea Exchange item. Please give a thumbs up!

  • If anyone finds this post but still was unsure how to apply this access, here are the steps: