($100 incentive!) Looking for new Anaplan users to participate in research!
We're looking for new Anaplan users to participate in an upcoming research study. This study is all about learning who our newer users are, how they're using Anaplan, and what their goals/drivers are in their roles. This study will occur between 12-06-2022 and 01-31-2023, and the sessions will last for approximately 90…
Archiving Models in Workspace
I have a PROD model that I needed to make a copy of and archive to a new archival workspace. However, I made the mistake of copying the PROD model in the same workspace that the PROD model exists in. How can I take the copied model and update the workspace without causing any issues in any of the models? If possible, I'll…
Revision Tags
I have a question on revision tag and just need some extra clarity. If I make changes in DEV and want to push those changes to DEBUG or PROD model, would the revision tag be created in the DEV model or the other models where I'm pushing those changes to? I've read documentation and videos, but just want to make sure I…
Update Entity Name
I have 2 entities where I'm trying to update the entity name in Anaplan. I was able to edit the name of the entities but I believe it's the detailed level that I am trying to edit. Please see my screenshot for the highlight levels I was able to edit and the ones I need assistance with. Does anyone have any suggestions on…
Do we have any option to get the JSON format response using Get chunk data API ?
1.) Get chunk data API is returning the response as an application/octet-stream format, we have any option to get the JSON format response using this API ? Get chunk data API - /workspaces/{workspaceID}/models/{modelID}/files/{fileID}/chunks/{chunkID}
Is it possible to Retrieve cell data based on Task Id/Job Id.
2.) Is it possible to Retrieve cell data based on Task Id/Job Id. Retrieve cell data API - /workspaces/{workspaceID}/models/{modelId}/views/{viewId}/data?format=v1
Add or Adjust Time Dimension On An App Page
I have a schedule that is populating Q3 numbers, even though we are only in Q2. After doing more research, I believe it relates to there not being a time dimension on this page. Can anyone provide guidance on how I would be able to add or adjust the time dimension so that only prior and current quarters are populating? For…
Tell us your thoughts on ALM via a short survey!
Customers and Partners, Please take this short survey, which should take you less than 10 minutes to complete, to tell us your thoughts about ALM. Thank you, User Experience Research Team
Numbers Populating from Different Quarter
Hello Community, In one of the app schedules, there are numbers populating from Q3 when we are only in Q2. After doing some research, since the schedule doesn't contain time dimension, these are manual entries but they all have the same value. Does anyone have any suggestions on what would cause the numbers to populate…
This Card Is Not Available To You
I have a user that mentions he can see the schedule, but is getting the error message "this card is not available to you". I've checked their model role and make sure they have access to those respective schedules. As a workspace administrator, is it possible to switch profiles as that user to see what they see in the…
Building Tableau Export for modules
Hi Team, I have module "ABC" where it has some 4 dimensions and 5 line items where each line item has a subsidiary view. I want to make a Tableau export with the above-mentioned module. Kindly help me with the procedure. Regards, Venkatesh
List of entities does Anaplan has.
Hi All I wanted to know the list of entities that Anaplan has. also wanted to know the supporting data types and operators too. Kindly help.
Provide your thoughts on Anaplan's Excel add-in
We are looking for Anaplan Analysts and Report Builders to provide feedback on their experiences with the Excel add-in. Interested individuals will respond to this 5-minute survey to help us understand personal needs and behavior when using the add-in. The feedback provided by survey takers is essential to the roadmap of…
Change default message process completion message to an error message/ LOCK button
Anaplanners, I have a process which stores the end user's inputs in the system. Currently users press the button without completing ALL their inputs thereby storing incomplete data. 1) I wanted to figure a way to lock the button when they have not completed their inputs AND/OR 2) At least throw an error message when they…
Unable to login
I am unable to login wok space. I am only able to login community. Please any one help me on this issue. Anaplan Administration
Restrict Users who can Run Action
Hi, I want to restrict users who can run import Action. There is Role function in Anaplan, and it can restrict users. But I think the master management of Role function is too difficult, because Role function has another Modules and Lists roles. It is set None as default. So I should set modules and Lists Roles. I want to…
Log the account with Full Access but shows blank home page with no models
Hello Anaplan Community, today I log on to the account with Anaplan Full Access to all models but cannot see any model at home page/models. Any idea to fix that issue? Thanks!
Size of model increase.
Hi All. I have a Prod model. which has been gone live Aug-22. Now its size increasing every month. Our Total Model size 200 GB .Last month we had 160 GB this month its increase 176 gb. Now its occupency is above 80% .now we want to incease workspace. Now, i want to know how much space should i purchase. What are the…
formula summary
HI All, Why we use summary as formula. what are the scenarios that we use this ? what is the outcome of it?
REV 02 Volume Input format
i am not getting the same format as shown in the example tutorial. I am getting additional block of Quater's and Last column is FY. (In the tutorial, there are only months shown.) This could be one reason to not getting the inputs from csv file in this module.
User account may be locked in Anaplan
Hello Community, I have a few users that are receiving an error message of "The email and password combination is incorrect. After 5 unsuccessful attempts, your account may be locked." It appears that they cannot choose the "reset your password here" option. If they choose the "Forgot Password" option and that doesn't…
how can i know the line item reference in action buttons
HI Please let me know how can i find out the line item refence in action button, Please let me know
Card Configuration - Not able to check "Completed?" Box
Hello Community, In both DEV and PROD models, I have a "Completed?" checkbox that will be able to lock a schedule. In DEV, I'm able to mark the checkbox but in PROD, the box is grayed out. I've checked the settings in the NUX page and they both have the exact same settings toggled. Would anyone have any suggestions on how…