Lookups to apply to LISS Parent Line items
Hi Anaplan Community,
I'm encountering an issue with my Anaplan model where a lookup function isn't picking up values from line item subset with line items that have "Is summary" turned on.
If I keep the "Is summary" checked in the source module, the only way I can retrieve the values in this line is by using the "SELECT" function, which is not necessarily best practice.
If I keep "Is summary" unchecked then I lose the indentation on the UX page card but am able to pick up the values using "LOOKUP" function.
I do not feel that given a line item has "Is Summary" checked, then i should lose the models ability to lookup the values keeping to best practice.
Please may I ask for a change where by "LOOKUP" function can pull through these values for line items in a LISS where "Is Summary" is checked.
Examples below of changes to indentation on Report UX page.
Many Thanks
Laurance Jones
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