why is the summary not showing even when its enabled...


i have to refer sum in another module but it shows 0 since the sum is not showing here

Best Answer


  • Hello Salil, it's unclear what sum you are looking for in this case. Could you please clarify?

  • want to calculate sum of all 3 line items mentioned at the end of Q3 FY24 and refer that sum in another module

  • awestphal
    edited August 2023

    So you want to sum the line items # of Subscriptions, # of Customers, and TCV (57 + 19 + 48.1)?

    You can create a new line item in this module (call it "Total Customers and Subscriptions", for example), where "Total Customers and Subscriptions" = "# of Subscriptions" + "Number of Customers" + "TCV - Net Price $"

    Then in your new module, you can create a new line item and use a formula to reference the "Total Customers and Subscriptions" line item. Alternatively, you could use the same logic and just implement the "Total Customers and Subscriptions" line item directly in the new module, using the formula logic outlined above.

  • Hi awestphal, thanks for your responses. No its not the sum of all 3 line items..i want the individual sums of all 3 line items referred separately in another module..usually if the summary is enabled and i refer this line item in formula, it should display the cumulative summary of that line item but its showing 0

  • As @shivanandhonnalli has mentioned TIMESUM() is the best option.