In anaplan model testing , Is it possible to do automated testing?
What are the tools we may use to test anaplan ?
MailTo Limits in Firefox vs. Chrome
We are using the MAILTO function to generate an email to a BCC-ed list of users of action required in the model. The list of BCC recipients is lengthy (>100 email addresses), and the MAILTO function appears to work in Firefox, but not Chrome (OS = Windows, email client = Outlook). Has anyone run into similar limits? Are…
OEG Best Practice: Reduce calculations for better performance
Reducing the number of calculations will lead to quicker calculations and improve performance. However, this doesn’t mean combining all your calculations into fewer line items, as breaking calculations into smaller parts has major benefits for performance. Learn more about this in the Formula structure for performance…
Create ABORT button when getting stuck with changes/formula when you made mistake.
When submitting changes to line item, and you know you did mistake. Please let us ABORT calculation by Anaplan. It will save tie and resources when building model.
Working Days Calculation
Hi, I have been using the long formula for working days suggested in the Anaplan help, and it's been giving me some issues, so I created a new one It's shorter and easier to follow and thought I would share You need 5 fields* *Holidays is optional and can be removed example of calcs Hope it helps Kev
Number of working days in a month
Excel uses the formula function NETWORKINGDAYS to calculate the number of working days in a month How would I do this in Anaplan? Link to an input module?
How to get data from source module with time dimension to target module without time dimension
Dear Team, Hi again! I would like to inquire on how to get data from source module with time dimension to target module without time dimension. For illustrate further: Module 1 - Upload of Year to date balances - with time dimension (Month) Module 2- Deduct the current period(month) from previous period(month) to arrive at…
Finding the first working day of the month
Hi guys, I am trying to create a calendar. In this calendar I need to pull out the first working day after day X. For example : I have a module with holidays, working days etc. as booleans and on the other side I have 1st of january 2nd etc. Let's imagine the 1st of jan is a saturday. I would like then to check the 2nd of…
Compare numbers in different modules
Hi I have a module with employee details to calculate their monthly payout. The payout is based on the % attainment stored in the same module. The % attainment need to fall in a defined range (captured in a DAT module) to suggest the payout %. For example the DAT module is as given below (not dimensionalised) The other…
Calculation Help - Is there a function or a way to count number of child of a list member
Calculation Help - Is there a function or a way to count number of child of a list member For eg, if I have State - City Hiearchy How can I count how many city does a state have using a formula?
Auto-Hide line item based on selected list member
Hi, Is there a way I can hide line item based on the selected list member? I tried to use line item subset but no luck since I have a date format and boolean in my line item. See attached picture. GLA, % of Sales and Sales Quota should be hidden when i select a different list member. Thanks, Tom
Add the current user to a field when they approve an item
I have an approval process with several gates, i have restricted to ability to approve, but all i want to do is when the approve button is pressed is apply the current user details to the Approver and add Todays date. The date part is done, as I already have the date automatically updating in all models. How can i get the…
Version subsets and selection as a format
It would be great if you could select Versions as a format of a line item. This would make it much easier to pull data from a specific version into a module without versions, for example using a lookup within a line item. It would also be great if we could create subsets of versions in models where there are many versions,
Data allocation from one level to other in different module
Hi, I have 2 different list (L3 and L6) I have 2 module, 1st module has L3 list is used and 2nd module with L6 list is used. User able to enter data in 1st module (L3 list) and data should be copied into 2nd module at L3 member--- 1st ask and data should be divided into L6 respective child members evenly. Thanks, Asha
How do I find or trim an inconsistent string of characters in a line item?
I am currently importing data with a concatenation of 3 General Ledger identifiers and a customer code. A sample would look like LE10000.LMF10000.1000000 for the first GL indentifiers. Everything is consistent and All LEs are 7 digits, all LMFs are 8 digites and all account codes are 8 digits. I have customer codes that…
I am looking for some more background on the differences between these two functions. I understand that AGENTS takes into account the SLA and target response time, but where my confusion lies is moreso with AGENTSB. Agnostic to target response time, how does AGENTSB calculate # of servers based on a 'busy period'? What…
Count items in a flat list?
Hello, I am trying to count how many items are in a list and display it in a module? In the example below we have 3 items in the list. Does a function like this exist?
Data Entry Shortcuts for data input in UX
It would be useful to have more shortcuts when entering data in the UX. At the moment we can enter e. g. 1e3 to input 1000 in a cell which is great and makes it easier to enter high values. In addition, I would find it useful to have at least these shortcuts as well: Shortcut ‘+’: By entering a value using '+' the value…
Ability to record timestamp of input as a separate line item
It would be extremely helpful from an end-user and a workflow perspective to have the ability to capture the timestamp of a manual input as a separate line item, instead of having to look through model/cell history manually. That way you could easily see when the latest input was entered.
PREVIOUS FUNCTION, summary issues
Hi all, I am having an issue using the PREVIOUS function. In this project I have a timeline split in quarters, semesters and years, thus I should be able to see the values from the previous quarter, semsester and year in the line item called "Previous period". It seems to be working for the quarterly values while it fails…
Hi All, I am unsure where I might use TEXTLIST function. There has never been a need for me to use this but I would like to understand where, when and how this might be useful. Your insights are much appreciated!!
A doubt in functionality of "ALL" function
Hii Community, Here, Source module contains Employees Dimension, Department and Country as List formatted Line Items and Bonus as Boolean format Line Item as shown below. Target module contains Country as Dimension and Employees with Bonus as a Boolean formatted Line Item as shown below. When I am using "ALL" Function here…
Additional modes for Formula Scope
Whilst the current method for formula scope encompasses the existing options (Actual, All Versions, All Versions Except Actual and Current), there is sometimes a need for formula scope to be applicable to specific versions outside of this scope - For instance, side loading of a budget. Whilst Add Version Formula covers…
Shipping time weeks
'TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week'.'Shipping Time (Week)'[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product, LOOKUP: Shipping Method] After applying this i am not getting data populated in shipping time week line item
Copy data from one month of Current Year to all the months of Future Year
Hi , i would like to copy the data from sept 2020 to jan2021 -dec,2021 for Budget version and take May,2021 data and copy to Jun,2021 -Dec, 2021 for forecast version. Any suggestions to achieve this.Sept 2020 Jan 2021.....March 2021....Dec 2021 20 -- 20 20 20 Thanks Sri Nitya
How can I get PY Sales Revenue from Sales Revenue in a module without a time dimension?
I have a module without time dimension but there is a column with the sales revenue date. My formula for PY_ar date is just the ar_date minus 365. Can I leverage these two to get PY Sales revenue for a particular territory? I tried the following and got errors: Sales_Revenue[lookup: territory_id, lookup: PY ar_date] Sales…
Community perspective: Time Settings impact on PERIOD function
When changing the model calendar or available time ranges beware of the unintended consequence on any PERIOD functions in your model. Here are the details on what caused a phantom issue at a customer and how we solved it. Problem While working with a customer to reduce model size we took a hard look at how they were using…
Filter inquiry
hi Community, I just got this requirement recently and it is giving me quite a challenge. the requirement is to select the current month then display the 3 prior months and Current month on the table. So example, user will select Jan 23 then the table should display Jan 23 Dec 22 Nov 22 and Oct 22. so far this is what I…
How to vary the calculation used for each version for a single line item?
I have a large model that is used to generate a business forecast. Each time we need to generate a new forecast or scenario, a new version is added so that the inputs can be changed and the outputs then compared to previous versions. However, sometimes the calculations themselves need to change to reflect our evolving…
Rank Formula Work Around
Hi! I have a module dimensionalized by a list of unique identifiers that is the child of a Location list. I'm trying to rank survey dates (a date formatted line item) in descending order based off of how recent they are BUT there are multiple UID's with the same survey date. The problem is, with the "RANK" formula, the…