Plain Text Type or CLEANTEXT function
Anaplan allows users to paste text from dirty sources like Word which includes nasty characters like CR/LR, smart quotes, em/en dashes, etc. These invariably cause problems when exporting data from Anaplan. I suggest adding a fourth Text Type to the Text format. Plain Text would convert entered/pasted text to plain text…
Lag Function without Time Demensions
Hi Anaplanners, I am trying to model a queue building up in Anaplan and I am wondering if there is any way I can use the Lag function to return the adjacent value without time dimensions. The principle is to add the queue from the previous segment and add to the current segment, however the model does not have any time…
Quarterly Account Sales Revenue Targets
Hello, I'm in the process of building the module for user story 1.11 and I am struggling to get the correct formula. I need to convert yearly data to quarterly data using the SYS99 Time Settings module (only line item dimension). My formula currently pulls the yearly total for each quarter which is incorrect. Any guidance…
Quarterly Account Sales Revenue Targets
Hi @JaredDolich @Misbah , How are you? I completed the User Story 1.11. But I have a question. When I select All Account, the % of Account Sales Target aggregate automatically. Any help would be appreciated. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards. Wei
Level 1 Model Building Exam - Activity 6
I am trying to calculate the phone costs for a department in December 2020 and medical costs for a department in December 2020. The formulas I am using in REP04 are producing numbers, but they are incorrect. Here is REP04: It draws from SYS08: I keep getting the wrong number whether I use EMP02 or EMP03 in the formula.…
Turn off suggested list/line item names in new modeling experiance
Is there any way to turn off this feature? I often just want add a simple correction to a formula, hit enter and move on. Instead of just the minor edit when I hit enter to close the formula editing it grabs the first suggested line item or list name. For example I just need to add an apostrophe and want be able to just…
How to Find Combination of List
I want to Find combination of List. I have relationship of Customer-Product and Product-Supplier. Then I want to find combination of Customer-Supplier. Now I don't want to make Lineitem which has "Customer*Product*Supplier" as Applies To because of memories. What kind of formula should I set?
Formula Help (Condition Statement)
Hi, I need help on creating a condition where if one LI is lesser than another LI, then my intra-month growth amount must be less than my write off amount. Not sure how I can make this condition happen in Anaplan. Please advise. Thank you
Hierarchy Filters
Hi, I have a requirement where in if user selects a Boolean(Show Ending Balances) then it should show only ending balances (which is a top level for L1 description types of list) along with Ending Balance line item. Currently I have built the logic but when I apply the summary as formulas it throws an error. But previously…
Production Lists and Ragged Hierarchies Logic
Assume the following Non-Composite list, ragged hierarchy, needs to be set to Production Data. We need to refer to the ultimate parent to define the logic calculation. In the example, we have assumed that children of Parent 1 and Parent 3 need to return the 'logic 1' value from the constants module below, and those under…
Dynamic Sum based on Multi-Select in Context Selectors
This is an extension of already requested options to select multiple items in a UX context selector (for reference, see that Idea here and here). I wanted to call out the specific request that it be possible to have dynamic sum based user-selected context items. The point has been mentioned in these Ideas here above but…
Dependent dropdown
How Can I add filter by country and filter by segment in this: Accounts are dependent dropdown set up on country. Thanks -Pooja
INV 02 country summary
Hi team i have an issue with the country summary module In country summary, stock safety flag i have given a formula but its not showung Sku list in the module, and if inv01 safety count flag should be ticked but what should be ticked? i got sutck here please find the attachments and help me in sloving this module
Input values based on a Boolean formatted Time Period
Hi Everyone, I'm fairly new to Anaplan and currently self studying so please bear with me if this question seem basic. Is there a way for me to use a boolean formatted line item to serve as a basis to what specific months I should put my computed values? The formula will go like this: IF first month of Month Picker…
Community perspective: Performing FVSchedule Excel function in Anaplan
When searching for FVSchedule in Anaplan Community there was seemingly method for/content about this. There are always multiple methods to achieve the same result but this method has provided the required outcome and may be useful for anyone hoping to tackle an FVSchedule or similar calculation in Anaplan. What is FV…
Standard Solution for Iterative Calculations
There is a need for Anaplan to have standard Iterative Calculation Functionality. The model that I’m building for the client includes multiple circular references. I need to calculate the amount of the Cash Available for Investments that depends on the Ending Cash Balance (amongst other line items) for the period. Ending…
The summary methods in INV01 Inventory Ordering line items didn't match
In ' Check Your Work' Level 2 Model Building : Sprint 3, I succeeded on comparing the INV01 module that I've made with the first and second example above (on SKU level) without changing the summary method. Then, I change the summary methods (in the picture below). I also succeeded on comparing it to the third…
Level 2 Conclusion DEM04 Demand Export
@Misbah Could you tell me what I am doing wrong in this formula. Demand = 'DEM03 Demand Forecast'.Final Forecast[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product]
How can i get the crossover by function
Hi , As per the screen shot, in the left grid whenever i select the y the the left grid should show the same year start month and end month and if i select the y-1 ans week 44 the value then the right side grid should show the 2022 and 44 the week month +1 year how can i achevie this in a simple way
How to use “LOOKUP” with summary elements
In the following article, I would like to discuss a common case of model building: the LOOKUP function doesn’t work with summary elements of hierarchical lists. Among other things, this forces model builders to use SELECT and not configure Production Data for some lists. I want to present to you an alternative approach.…
User-friendly way to override a formula in a line item allowing to edit the cell
Hi everyone, I was wondering if there was a way to make it possible to edit the values of a line item that has a formula. The most obvious way and that is taught in the Model Builder training is to do an override. To do that you create 3 line items: * One with the value you want to override with. * A boolean that indicates…
Filer Q and Year, to Calculate line items
Hi All, My issue is that I'm using a graph to show the P&L, but my 3-year trendline is spiking, when set to Q and Years. So I have P&L line items calculations and they are connected to different module views, so I created time filters modules to calculate the Periodic, Yearly, and Quarters. So, if I change in the line…
- Inventory Ordering Module Formulas - Shipping Method
Hi everyone, I appreciate any help that can be provided, I was very stuck on the formula for Shipping Method. I was trying the formula below and getting error "Format of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the source". I believe I am using the correct module line items, but am struggling to understand…
Formula help on finding a % of a Calculated LI
Hi, I'm trying to create a formula where it will create a % based on taking my States List parent by each individual state. The formula I have so far is Total Collections / Total Collections[SELECT: State.North America] . I feel like this is correct but my percentages are not looking right. Please advise. want to take this…
Combining the count of two list items.
Hi All, So we have a list say Project phase with three list items in it: Project phase> ALL - Design - Implementation - Done This is how page selector in dashboard looks like and the data tables also represent the values when we based on the list item we have selected. But now the business has requested to combine two list…
ALM - How to LOOKUP native Versions
Currently, using SELECT statements in formulas for native versions - Actual/Forecast. But, this will not work with ALM, so what should be an alternate approach for looking up native versions in formulas with ALM implementation?
Filter on line items that contain a specific text
Hello, I have a module with many line items, and I want to filter on all line items that contain a specific word (e.g., "home"). How can I do that? Thanks a lot!
Anaplan Level 2 sprint 3 INV03 formula showing up as blank
Hello, For the line item "Stock Exception", here's the formula I wrote: 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Safety Stock Exception Count[SUM: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product, SUM: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Distribution Center] However, if I select "All Products", it is showing up as blank. Is there an error in my formula? How should I…
When Adding A New Line Item - No Data Format
I would like to request that when a new line item is added into a module, rather than defaulting the format to Number as is standard, it defaults to "No Data". Immediate ROI: - Automatically won't toast the model if you write a formula without changing the format * In another post, someone asked what do you "always forget…
Relabel the time dimension
As a model builder I want to have the ability to relabel the time dimension using a specific property/alias so that I don't need to create extra complexity and I can use all the benefits/functions of the time dimension to meet the users's requirements. I will know this is successful if I could rename FY18 to YearXX and…