Levels to show only giving two options, not all levels of a hierarchical list

Probably an easy question but I am working through the level 1 course and it shows how you can aggregate based on a hierarchical list. When I try this on my own model it looks different and there are only two options.

My view

S01 Is a child of S02 which is a child of S03… S05. I'd like to display only the S03 Level.

The only option I get is this. Which If I deselect "Details" it hides S01 but keeps S02 and upwards.

I'm expecting something like the example in the training.

I presume the issue is due to the 'Value' section - which is my line item. This I only added as when I tried to import my source data, I had to choose a line item.

I.e. my data is a TB extract where this is a single value "£500,000" per month, per cost centre per account number (which is the code for S01 above). I have the cost Centre as a separate hierarchical list rather than a subset of the account number list as the same cost centre will be used for various different account numbers.

List for reference

As you can tell, I'm building my first model, any help would be appreciated.


Best Answer

  • It must be a ragged hierarchy, like multiple levels within the same list. If that's the case, then it won't show that option. It shoes the option if you create multiple lists and then assign parent hierarchy.


  • Thanks for your help. Oh, I see what you mean.

    I'm having to import these lists as there are so many. Does this mean there needs to be a list for each S02 added on the list page rather than added as sub lists in the S03 list?