NUX Filtering on axis with nested dimensions containing Line Items



I would like to be able to filter on an axis nested dimensions containing Line Items, as currently it is possible to be done on dashboards. 


I was currently rebuilding current dashboards in UX on pages. I bumped into following issue, I am not able to filter on an axis while a dimension is nested with Line Items, e.g. Time.


Let's take an example, I have module with Month, and in specific view, I only want to show FY. I want to make this dynamic, so when the year changes, my view is updated, therefore I use system module with time filters. While I am able to achieve it in classic interface, it is not possible to apply that filter in NUX. I can only select manually FY20 which is not the best solution. Please see pictures below.



Of course, I could pivot, and create different view, but this one works the best, and since it is available on dashboards, I believe that should be also possible in NUX.


Best regards,


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  • I agree. This should be allowed. This is another gap between classic and NewUX that I hope will be solved. 


    My impression is this is a limitation as a consequence that the filters are not allowed on line-items in NewUX and maybe is related to this idea as well:




  • Status changed to: Delivered
  • I Support this Idea, i also need to use filter with nested collumns that contains line items, some times i cannot migrate some dashboards to the new ux because i am not able to filter line items.

    I am able to create and save a view with the needed filters, but then i cannot format this view in the NUX

  • Great news, this is now possible! 

  • You can now apply filter rules to line items in View Designer. Similar to classic the filter assumes all line items are numeric when applying the filter, so any non-numeric data types are filtered out when the filter is applied.

  • I have tried this new feature, now is possilbe to filter line items in the new UX, but still is not posible to filter "based on another module" when line items are combined with dimensions.

    In the classic view it is possilble to filter line items when they are combined with dimmensions but in the UX is not.

  • @rhernandezcwp this has now been updated so it is now possible to apply a filter to nested line items by a line item in another module.


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