Activity 8.5.2 Can't import price bookc


I tried to import the PriceBook.csv, but when I try to map the data, the mapping tab shows complete different view than it should be. 
I guess the Modle REV 01 Price Book is correct. Probably something ist wrong with the reference to the list G3 Location oder P2 Products?


I need help, because I am stuck at this point.




8.5.2 Mapping.jpg




  • @michael.hummel 

    Easy fix Michael. You're so close.

    instead of importing data while in blueprint mode, make sure you are in grid view.

    Anaplan thinks you are trying to import line items when you're in blueprint mode. While in Grid mode, Anaplan will expect data.

    Try that, send a note back if that doesn't work!

  • Great, thank so much, Jared. It works. KR, Michael
  • It has to be imported in Gird View Thank you..