TIMESUM/Returning only forecast period values
Hi, My current module has Year as the time dimension and my reference module has months as the time dimension. I want to return a field from the referenced module but only for the forecast period (Current Period is set to Jan19) & hence for FY19 that would be the sum of Jan19 to Jun19 and FY20 Jul19 to Jun20. My formula is…
Data Export with Filters
Can we give the users to choose from a list of combinations for a view, while providing them with an option to export the view from a dashboard. Regards, Kunal
Create a new line item to be max of old line item
This might be a silly question, but I just got stuck and couldn't think of a solution. I want to create a new line item showing the max of an existed line items. Take the example below, I want to create a new line item called max days, which takes the max of Days. Original: Days A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 New: Days Max Days A 1 4 B 2…
Use Page Selector Item in Formulas
The ability to use what is selected in a page selector in formulas and filters would be very useful. Although you can create a custom filter with a cell acting like a page selector, if multiple people are on the dashboard and using the cell, it can cause confusion.
SUM when dimensionality is different b/w source & target in terms of "VERSIONS"
Hi, Anaplanners, I have a question regarding how to SUM when a source has versions and a mapping doesn't. In the attached file, what I am tyring to do in the target module is to simply sum by products. As per what I understand is the formula "Source Module.Production Vol[SUM: Source Module.Product,…
Sum of grand total of transactions
Hi, I am trying to sum a column within a module on open balances for all of my bill-to Customers. The reason for me doing this is I have them by aged deductions and then I used the SUM function onthe aging buckets to get the total of that particular customer. Now I would like a calculation that tells me what the percentage…
Prioritized Allocation
Trying to do some allocation by priority. Example. I have Product as a Parent and Customer as its child. I have 100 units of product A and 3 customers. Customer1 has a demand of 50 and is first priority so he gets all 50 he needs, customer 2 has demand of 40 and is second priority. I have 50 units left after customer 1 so…
Compare Values Incorrect color for negative version amounts
For a line item that has a saved value that is negative (take net income for instance), a less negative or positive value to compare to should be green, but is highlighted as red when you use color coding with the compare tool in Anaplan. Has this issue been identified before? Seems like it would be an easy fix since in…
Wizard to help Anaplan business end-users to write-down formulas and create objects on models
Wizard to help Anaplan business end-users to write-down formulas and create objects on models. This wizard such as an Avatar could be the AnaFriend indicating the best function or best way to use a specific function or Anaplan models objects such as list, subset or module.
Numbers of Months (elapsed time) since a month when consecutive zeros are started
Hi Anaplaners, I would like to figure out numbers of months elapsed since consecutive zeros have started. (please see the attached). For instance, in the attached file, as sales of product BBB is zero since July 2019(instead of April 2019), I would like to get "4"(months) given current period is Oct 2019. Thanks in…
Color Theme Formulas
Giving different sections of a formula different colors to organize while writing it. Especially when writing a longer nested-IF formula, it would make the organization of the formula easier as well as decrease opportunities to stall the model.
Is DCA the right way to solve this?
I have module where I need to make the line item formula dependent on user defined criteria. For example, the user selects the material they wish to be use as part of a price quote and the formula for the line item cost calculation changes based on that material, as different materials have different yields. Should I use…
Keyboard key to temporarily toggle between Dashboard Preview & Design Modes
WHAT: I would like to be able to temporarily toggle the Preview mode / Design mode on a dashboard by holding a key on the keyboard, (I suggest CTRL) WHY: This would allow a model builder to... * Quickly jump between the preview state and design state in order to view dashboard's final state, and then return to making…
Keyboard Key to toggle Contents Pane Open / Close
I commonly find myself battling Anaplan for screen real estate to see what I want when I want it, and NOT when I don't want to see it. One of the culprits is the Contents Pane, and another as a model builder is the dashboard editing panel or the settings tab. When the Contents Pane is open and one of these others as well,…
Fetching Count and Sum Information different Reports
Hi All I have an audit module which has a list as dimension. The list contains multiple report names. The List is pivoted as rows and line items has 2 columns as Count and Total_amount. My need is to go to respective source module of the reports and fetch the total count of records in that report and sum(Total_amount) in…
Monte Carlo
Have the need to add probablistic algorithms to planning scenearios so users can understand applicable levels of risk (probabilities) per decision.
Retrieve a max value from given dynamic periods
Hi, Anaplaners I posted a similar question before (https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/Time-where-a-value-is-max/m-p/40577#M4185), but this time I have faced an issue that cannot be solved by the solution I get to received in the previous question. Thing is that (see the attached) the line item "MAX Value" see…
Time Dimension - date
Hello, Am trying to make a calendar in Anaplan to plot weekdays and holidays. Time dimension for the model is "DAY" and I wanted not to type the dates in each days, but to put a formula instead. What would be the formula to return the "date" of the time dimension to the line item. I tried to use "ITEM(TIME)" but it does…
Measuring Model Performance
It would be great to have access to metadata or to an Anaplan model which helps to measure the impact/usage of this model and it's performance by month (for example). If we can see how much do the users interact with a specific model/dashboard/module/action, we can analyze which dashboards are used more and identify areas…
Hi experts, we mainatained joining date, Resigned date and last working day properties in employee dimension. Based on those properties we need to calculate previous 6 months Organization Active employees and resigned employees count. We create one module called headcount planning module.In these scenario current period is…
Property based filter
Hi Experts, In Employee list we maintained one property called Reporting Person. In Reporting person property we maintain reporting employee names for eg: manager reporting to owner , Supervisor reporting to manager,Staff reporting to Supervisor. In Selection When i select Owner position then Show all owner combination…
Locked model greys out Open button but not Copy/Delete buttons in Settings, Modules
Description of the enhancement required: The behaviour in a locked model is odd, while in the model module screen, the open button is greyed out, the Copy and Delete button should be greyed out too since trying to use them will result in error saying the "Sorry, the model has been locked by another user". Misleading to…
Property based filtering
Hi experts, I have a requirement But i am cofusing acheive the requirement. In employee list we are maintaining some Properties like (Joining date,Resign date,Last working day ,Position,Employee Type, Department,Salary properties). In Employee Module, i want to get data based on page selector selection. Suppose, in page…
Need Formula Help
Hi all - I am very new to Anaplan and have just finished the Intro to Model Building. As a test for me before going into Intermediate Model Building, I tried to set up a copy of a report I currently have in Excel. The report is to show revenue by PI for each month & the % of their revenue at the site they are located. I…
Formula does not work in QA but in Dev
Hi Experts, I am facing a unique issue, I have modified an formula on a line item with number format and it does pulls the resulted value in Dev enviornment but when the solution is migrated to QA, the formula does nothing and the line details read message as " Drill down unavailable for this cell: No other data cells are…
Ability to modify cell values by adjusting a graph curve
Description of enhancement: Be able to modify values by relocating the curve indicator on a graph. How it would help you business process: As-Is behavior of our forecasting application: it allows users to review easily their scope of forecast without modifying measures one by one.
How to Export a Dashboard to PDF?
I created a dashboard in one of the models I am developing. I want to export that dashboard out as PDF. I found this https://help.anaplan.com/anapedia/Content/Dashboards_and_Visualization/Work_with_Data_on_Dashboards/Print%20a%20Dashboard.html on anapedia, it says * Open the dashboard to be printed. * Click Export on the…
Used IRR formula in a Model but it is returning NaN as result whereas when Same numbers are given as
Used IRR formula in a Model but it is returning NaN as result whereas when Same numbers are given as a input to IRR formula in Excel it is returning a numbe
"Select All" for selective access
When you have several items at the top hierarchy to select in User Selective Access it can take some time (esp if there are 20+ items). It would be nice to have some way to "select all" to save time. (Then if you don't need all items you can remove them quite easily).
Optmizer constraint error - non linear constraint
Hi, I am working on a production planning optimization problem. I am building a minimum order quantity functionality using a binary variable. But I am getting error message 'The constraint has a formula that is not liner'. when I am removing this binary variable the error is resolved. Isn't it possible to use the binary…