Notification of Changes that don't move with ALM
Certain items don't move with ALM, such as production lists updates and direct input (a non formula) into blueprint mode. It would be helpful to get a list of changes that Anaplan logged but are not being updated with ALM. The benefit here is to give an end to end ALM experience to the customer, guiding them to make…
Bottom Level List Publishing
Currently functionality exists to add a list as a dimension in a module, reselect levels to base level, and then pivot to expose that as a dynamic selector in the dashboard for that published module however there is not functionality to expose that bottom level list as it's own page selector. Attached is a screenshot but…
Ability to Use Other Module's Line item for Conditional Formatting
It would be useful and save space if you could set conditional formatting based on a line item that is from a different module but has the same dimensions as the module you want to format.
Allow users to add multiple numbers into a cell
Adaptive Insights has this feature where an end user can "split" the value of a an input cell into several values to have that amount roll up and be displayed as a line item. Customers of Adaptive really like this feature and in competes with Adaptive, we get asked for a similar function.
Record Creation Steps of Views and Graphs
As learning and debugging exercise it would be extremely useful if Views and Graphs contained creation steps so a builder could recreate on other dashboards or debug and modify existing ones easily. A not so experienced person has no idea how a particular view or graph has been created, especially if the graph has been…
Ability to trace views
It would be nice to see what views (not just modules) are being used on dashboards. We've had to implement strict naming conventions around our views to ensure that we know what views feed what dashboard. This stems from having deleted important views thinking they were not being utilized. It would be useful to have a tab…
Change Colour of new/impacted data in scenario planning/what-if
In RAM resident technology we nolonger have the concept of Saving Data per se. The latest data entered data is the latest saved version. In a what-if scenario i would love to see the downstream numbers change colour when i uplift a payscale, change pay grade or change a local assumption or boolean. Today we see the graphs…
Navigate to next and/or previous line formatted items
Description: As user, I want to have the ability to navigate back and forth through list formatted items with by clicking right/left arrows so I can easily navigate through items during a workflow process instead of having to select items from a drop-down list. Enhancement:I’ll know when this is successful when there are…
Customise dimensions on exports to Tabular Single Column format
Description I would like to abiltiy to customise which dimensions are exported in Tabular Single Column format. Currently it exports all dimensions but I would like to ability to change this depending on my requirements. I am aware of the ability to fully customise the export using the Tabular Multiple Column but I would…
Multiple JDBC queries in one configuration file
For a customer I use directly SQL scripts that are used in Anaplan connect ( These SQL scripts connect directly to the ERP system. Now with the change of Anaplan connect 1.4, you must use a JDBC propertie file which can only holds one query. At this point of time I have 170 SQL scripts that looks to 6 different…
Define Conditional Formatting for a Line Item in the Blueprint
Currently Conditional formatting has to be defined for a view and then published or republished to a dashboard if changes are made. I would like to see the ability to define a conditional format against a line item in the Blueprint instead. In addition the ability to choose whether to show conditional formats or not when…
Mutual Authetication for Anaplan V2 connector for informatica i-paas
As of today, Anaplan v2 connector in informatica i-paas only use client authetication, it does not offer server athetication. While today's security demand is for Mutual authetciation. such an enhancement should be made to support Mutual authentication using CA certificates.
formula format
Colour code the formula or function part of each component, so that we can see where the components are. All formulas and functions are blue and rest of text black.
Allow actions to apply to different User Roles
Right now, actions can open different dashboards depending on a list property. However, it would also be convenient if different dashboards could open based on the user's role.
Pictures with broken links
It would be useful to have some way of spotting where a picture link (or in fact any link) has broken. This would be particularly useful with longer lists eg. Product List
Automate reset of Selective Access
We're looking for a way to automate updates of selective access which would include: 1) clear all existing list member access 2) set new list access. Would like to have this automated via an import action. Current imports into Selective Access appear to only be acretive. Importing NO ACCESS into User Role, reloading…
Export only current page selection
Description: As a model builder, I want to give users the ability to efficiently export their dashboard grids. Currently, when you save an export definition on the "Current Page", this current page does not change when the export action is published to a dashboard based on that dashboard's page selectors. Example of the…
Create a number of items in numbered list
Where we use the create action to add an individual item, could we have a break where it asks for how many items to add, much like when doing it in the list itself. This will help to reduce the number of blocking actions as a user hits the button once instead of 10 times and may help in not having to pre populate with…
do not perform file extension check when adding image url in dashboard
As a Dashboard Designer, I want to be able to host my dashboard images on a global sharing service, so that I do not have to set up my own web server. When I use free services like dropbox, box, google drive, microsoft drive, the image is not displayed because the public link is not ending with "gif" (or any supported…
Search for model from all accessible models in tiles/model select
As a user I have forgotten which customer a model is in if I have a lot of models across a lot of customers. I would like to search models from all customers / all models I have access to from the tiles/modelSelect search bar. This could also be implemented as a Customer : [Any] option in the advanced filter bar.
Nested Dimensions
If we could have 4 nested dimensions, this would enable additional functionality, like JE creation, advanced filtering, etc.
Have the TEXT function convert the results of the ROUND function identically.
Ability to Add Hyperlinks to Tooltips.
The introduction of tooltips has been great because it allows to add instructions/clarifications without taking space on dashboards that could have been used for data or charts. At the moment it's not possible to add hyperlinks in a tooltip. The benefit of adding hyperlinks would be: * ability to link to a detailed…
After logging-in user continues to linked-to model
Annoyance: URL link provided for specific model > user clicks it > user not signed in to Anaplan so taken to log-in screen > after logging-in, user is taken to models dashboard, *does not* continue on to model at original link. All other tools used by me at Anaplan (with the frustrating exception of SFDC) would drop you…
Dashboard Text Boxes Font Editor
The current dashboard 'Text box' style options are limited from few choices of Headings to normal text etc. It would be good if once you choose a style you can then modify it i.e. if I choose 'Heading 1' as the style then can change colour from the fixed Blue to say Red or make it Italic or bold or change even possibly the…
Ability to print a specific chart
On a dashboard have the ability to select a specific chart and just print it - no having to export to pdf first. Just right click on that chart (or have a button above that chart) and click print
Request to have the ability to totally hide or show dashbord elements (e.g. Text, modules)
Request to have the ability to totally hide or show dashbord elements (e.g. Text, modules) which is driven by list item selected via page selector Scenario : Some of the contents (E.g. : Modules, Text etc) in the dashboard which is not applicable for all users are not able to totally hide from different users. Thus this…
Filter function is limited when there is 3 nested columns in a module
Filter function is limited to a module with 3 nested columns, which resulted the filter not able to get its desired result. It will be great if can remove such limitation for 3 nested columns
URL link in a text box
I use the MAKELINK function in line items and that works great. However, I would like to have a URL link in a Text box on the dashboard pointing to an instructional video on how to use this specific dashboard. Right now, I have the link as a line item but the repetition is just a waste of cells!
User stats and refresh dashboard
Our BPs sends us user stats to analyse dashboard usage. However there are meaningless in some instances because of the "refresh dashboard" buttons we have on dashboard which count as one opening whereas that is just a refresh. Would you be able to exclude these refresh actions from the count? Note on the side: how will…