Activity 6 model building exam


The formula for 'REP04 Employee Expense Summary'.Salary is invalid:

Salary = 'EMP02 Employee Expenses'. Salary[Lookup: 'SYS08 Employee Details'. Region, Lookup:'SYS08 Employee Details'. Role]

The name 'SYS08 Employee Details'. Region used in the LOOKUP clause is not recognized as a line item in the model



this error i m getting plz help i dont understand in SYS08 



Best Answers

  • BrunoRodriguez

    Hello @dhinayadav,


    Unfortunately, we cannot provide answers about the exam.


    Having said that, congratulations, you are really close. Your clause for the target module ('SYS08'), [Lookup: 'SYS08 Employee Details'. Region, Lookup:'SYS08 Employee Details'. Role], is correct. The error comes down to the source module "'EMP02 Employee Expenses'. Salary".


    Once you compare the dimensions you are trying to match from you target module with those that you are currently trying to use in your source module, you will realise that those are not really matching. This means that you will have to find for your source module that complements that from your target module. If you start looking in your target module you will find the solution soon.


    I will also leave you this thread to have a read, as it may be helpful in the long run.


    Hope that helped!

    Kind regards,

    Bruno Rodriguez

  • ChrisAHeathcote

    Remember that a LOOKUP requires a list formatted line item to operated correctly. 

    Therefore, check your Employee details module to ensure the relevant line item is list formatted to the correct list. 

    If not, update this and run the import again as changing the format will delete any data currently held in the line item.