Mailto function




I would like to be able to send emails to multiple people using the mailto function.
To do this, I would like to create a function that allows me to set the company to which a user belongs in the Users section, and if the company is selected, the user who belongs to the company will be displayed in TEXT.
How can I do this?

Best Answer

  • shreyashree
    Answer ✓

    Hi @KubotaNatsuki 

    You can use Textlist function to achieve this. 

    - In Module01, add one more line item called user name with formula as shown below:


    - Then create a module by Company and a text formatted line item like below for the sender list should work:


    - Finally based on your company selector, you can lookup the sender list to get value under your display line item.



  • thanks for your reply!!
    Just use the module for Company!
    I did it!
    Thank you!