What topics do you want us to cover in our monthly meetings?
We want to hear from you! Let us know what topics of interest would help you better maximize and make the most out of connected planning with Anaplan. Help us help you plan with Anaplan!
Model Reviews: - What is best practice?
Delighted to share this excellent article from Anaplan colleague and champion Andrew Martin, Anaplan Operational Excellence Director. Whether it is part of a new year resolution or not, it is always good to stake a step back and review your Anaplan environment. What could we do better? Are there new features for us to…
Looking for feedback on Supply Chain charts!
The user experience research team is looking for analysts, planners and model builders who work with a supply chain use case, specifically around how they visually represent their supply chain in and out of Anaplan. If this sounds like something you are familiar with, we invite you to join us for a 60-minute remote…
Save the Date, Nordic User Group 12th of March 2024
We're happy to share news about the upcoming Nordic Anaplan User Group event and sincerely hope you can join us. This event is a fantastic opportunity for Anaplan users to connect, exchange experiences, and stay updated on the latest Anaplan platform developments. Reserve the date in your calendar as we prepare the…
Newsletter, December 2023
Welcome to this month’s Anaplan Customer Newsletter! This content will help keep you apprised of the latest in our collaboration, inform you of product updates and industry news, and connect you with our broader Anaplan community and resources to stay at the top of your game. _________________________________________…
Nouveau défi : la gestion et l'administration d'un calendrier hebdomadaire au sein d'Anaplan.
Bonjour Tout d'abord, je tiens à vous présenter mes vœux les plus chaleureux pour cette nouvelle année 2024. Que celle-ci vous apporte santé et réussite tant dans vos projets personnels que professionnels. En entamant cette année, je me lance dans un défi que @perle.pondepeyre m'a proposé lors de notre dernière « Success…
Community highlights of 2023 and lots to look forward to in 2024
A Happy New Year to all our Community members. This time of year is always good for reflection but also to look ahead in anticipation for the coming year. Anaplan is no exception to this. I have attached a link to an article from my colleagues Ginger Anderson and Eric Steig looking back at amazing 2023 for the Anaplan…
Would you attend a Q/A call to review "splash" and the virtual event process?
With the recent transition to supporting virtual events with "splash," there have been quite a few questions sent in by group leaders. If we hosted a Q/A zoom meeting to answer questions and review the process for requesting a virtual event, would you attend?
Fin d'année 2023 : Partageons nos exemples de pages de "Management Report"
Bonjour, Nous approchons de la conclusion de l'année 2023, et dans quelques jours, nous aurons l'occasion de partager des moments précieux en famille et entre amis. En attendant, au sein de notre florissante communauté de "Model builders" qui compte désormais plus de 236 membres (merci à vous tous), j'ai le plaisir de vous…
Facilitez l'Adoption : Découvrez Notre Vidéo pour Optimiser l'Expérience de Vos Utilisateurs
Bonjour Chez Anaplan, notre objectif est de garantir une expérience optimale à vos utilisateurs sur notre plateforme. Nous souhaitons qu'ils puissent explorer facilement toutes les fonctionnalités d'Anaplan et gagner du temps dans leur utilisation quotidienne. Afin de faciliter la prise en main, j'ai créé une vidéo…
開催日時:2023年6月28日(水) 15:00〜16:15 場所:オンライン 登録 https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZEFDa5U9TB678VDAmg2gRw#/registration 2016年より日本市場においてビジネスを開始依頼、Anaplanの採用は国内において大手企業を中心に200社を超えました。財務計画と業務計画を連携させ、より迅速で確実な全社的意思決定と業績目標の達成を支援する「コネクテッド プランニング」を提唱してまいりましたが、このたび、事業部ごとの予算計画・収支管理をテーマにしたオンラインセミナーを開催します。…
Stockage des images intégré avec 'Assets' - Image library (New)
Bonjour, Une nouveauté qui va vous faciliter le stockage des images !!!!! Plus besoin de Box, S3, ….. Un nouveau menu est désormais accessible pour les Workspaces Admin et les pages builders : 'Assets' : Dans ce nouveau menu vous aurez la possibilité de charger des images et de récupérer le lien : Puis il suffira de copier…
開催日時:2023年6月22日(木) 15:00〜16:15 場所:オンライン 登録 https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ADpbegVhQaiaOvNtZqy2sA#/registration 日本企業においてもCRM・SFAの導入が進み、昨今では次の段階として、集めた顧客/案件情報を活用した売上の正確な着地見込みや、適切な営業要員配置等、高度なデータ活用と計画策定に検討課題がシフトしています。…
Hello API Developers!
Thought I'd send a quick note to introduce myself as the newest Group Leader of the API Developers group, working alongside @AshwinK! A bit about myself My name is Adam Trainer. I currently live in Melbourne Australia along with my loving family of devices: a Gaming PC, Samsung S22 Ultra, MacBook Pro 16, and my new iPad…
Olá do grupo Peloton
Nome: Kim Hutchings Empresa: Grupo Peloton, parceiro de implementação da Anaplan há mais de 7 anos Área: cobrimos principalmente FP&A e S&OP Setores: Finanças/Seguros, Alta Tecnologia, Manufatura, Ciências da Vida, Serviços Empresariais Função na Anaplan: Gerente de alianças Experiência na Anaplan: Estamos com um rápido…
2 évènements à ne pas louper : Calls Anaplanners France 23 mai & Anaplan Connect
Bonjour, J'espère que vous allez bien, je me permets de vous informer de 2 évènements importants à noter dans vos agendas : Calls Anaplanner France : Date : 23 mai Heure : de 14h00 à 15h15 Lien Teams : Click here to join the meeting A l’agenda : A la suite des présentations de nos clients emblématiques Axa, Sogecap,…
Bringing the UI to life! Icon and Image Resource
This is a cracking site for finding icons ready to download - I have included the specific area for UI based icons here, but check out the whole site! Free and easy to download. Get your users engages and make it easy to navigate your Anaplan application.
Гигиена моделей - время уборки
Всем привет! Мы восстанавливаем активность в группе, ведь весна - время обновления. И ваши модели не исключение! Есть много причин провести гигиену и оптимизацию моделей, особенно если им несколько лет. Если вы решились на «генеральную уборку», вот на что стоит обратить внимание: Старые костыли и «брошенный» функционал…
Looking for 5 Page Builders who create reports in Anaplan!
The User Experience Research team wants to speak with Page Builders who create reports within Anaplan! If this sounds like you, we invite you to join us for a 30-minute remote research interview, during which you'll be asked to weigh in on potential new features. Sessions will occur between May 17th and May 19th, and…
Skipped Forecast Periods
Hello, wanted to address an issue our team is facing and see if anyone has run into similar issues with PlanIQ. Every week we generate a new PlanIQ forecast based on incremental historical data that becomes available to us. I.e., in Week 1 FY23, we generate a forecast based on historical data from prior periods through…