Passez à la formation Level 2 en mode E-learning + 7 sessions d’accompagnements
Bonjour, Je vous propose de franchir un cap avec la formation Anaplan 'Level 2'. Cette formation vous offrira l'opportunité de renforcer vos connaissances et, surtout, de découvrir de nouvelles fonctionnalités que je considère comme essentielles pour développer un modèle à la fois "efficace", "convivial" et "évolutif" : La…
Announcing a new monthly meeting series for Success Central
You are invited to join our new monthly meeting series for Success Central customers! Each month beginning in December 2023, you are invited to hear members of the Success Central team and guest speakers present on a variety of topics, including product updates, best practices, support Q&A, and more. Our meetings will be…
Modeller's Forum - 8th November
We're delighted to release the date of the next Modeller's Forum on 8th November at our London office. Please find further information on the agenda and a link to register for the session here. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Découvrez la toute nouvelle fonctionnalité "Anaplan Workflow".
Bonjour, Comme annoncé la semaine dernière, Anaplan a lancé une nouvelle fonctionnalité : ‘Anaplan Workflow’. La fonctionnalité Anaplan Workflow optimise l'efficacité de la planification en vous permettant de : Coordonner diverses tâches au sein de vos équipes, D’obtenir des approbations, Et de suivre les progrès de…
Renouvellement des certifications Anaplan et approfondissement du Workflow Anaplan
Bonjour Si vous êtes certifié 'Model Builders' ou 'Solution architecte' vous devriez avoir reçu un email vous invitant à renouveler votre certification. Cette année pour le renouvellement on vous invite à découvrir et à approfondir vos connaissances sur le nouveau Workflow Anaplan. Personnellement, j'ai beaucoup apprécié…
Geo-Mapping - Change the way you present your geo related data
Delighted to announce that Anaplan has release its Geo-Mapping functionality. Could this be of use to you and your business? Think of how you present geographic data for forecasting or in reporting. Instead of a standard chart, use the new map feature to present in as much more attractive, visual and interactive way. To…
Newsletter, October 2023 (Benelux)
Welcome to this month’s Anaplan Customer Newsletter! This content will help keep you apprised of the latest in our collaboration, inform you of product updates and industry news, and connect you with our broader Anaplan community and resources to stay at the top of your game. _________________________________________…
Video Recording Now Available! Sustainability Planning: An Exploration of Use Cases
Hi All, Thanks to all who attended our group session last month. We are pleased to offer a recording of our session if you were unable to attend. Please check it out below and be on the lookout for future events! Sustainability Planning: An Exploration of Use Cases
Looking for feedback for Access Management!
The user experience research team would like to invite you to a deep-dive interview to better understand your company’s Access Management journey for Anaplan. If you play a key role in adding, maintaining, auditing, and removing users in Anaplan and would like to take part, please apply here. Please note we will be asking…
Découvrez notre nouvelle fonctionnalité : Geo Mapping pour la cartographie des données
Nous sommes ravis de vous présenter notre toute dernière fonctionnalité : Geo Mapping pour la cartographie des données. Dans ce post, je vous invite à explorer ce nouvel outil et à découvrir les étapes initiales pour vous accompagner dans votre première utilisation. Depuis hier, vous avez désormais à votre disposition une…
Гигиена моделей - время уборки
Всем привет! Мы восстанавливаем активность в группе, ведь весна - время обновления. И ваши модели не исключение! Есть много причин провести гигиену и оптимизацию моделей, особенно если им несколько лет. Если вы решились на «генеральную уборку», вот на что стоит обратить внимание: Старые костыли и «брошенный» функционал…
Looking for 5 Page Builders who create reports in Anaplan!
The User Experience Research team wants to speak with Page Builders who create reports within Anaplan! If this sounds like you, we invite you to join us for a 30-minute remote research interview, during which you'll be asked to weigh in on potential new features. Sessions will occur between May 17th and May 19th, and…
Skipped Forecast Periods
Hello, wanted to address an issue our team is facing and see if anyone has run into similar issues with PlanIQ. Every week we generate a new PlanIQ forecast based on incremental historical data that becomes available to us. I.e., in Week 1 FY23, we generate a forecast based on historical data from prior periods through…
Online Presentation of Anaplan Microsoft365
Hi Nordics Anaplan User Group. In the last in-person User Group (hosted by Stena Line in March) event the participants expressed interest in learning more about the Anaplan Microsoft365 solution (referred to as AM365). Anaplan and Microsoft partnered on a robust connection whereby Microsoft365 users can pull the grids,…
'Level 1 +' Retrouvez les vidéos
Bonjour, Si vous souhaitez revoir/refaire la formation level 1 je vous propose ces 4 vidéos de 2 heures où je vous présente les notions essentielles de la level 1 mais aussi des fonctionnalités Level 1 + pour vous préparer à la level 2. Ces vidéos peuvent aussi vous accompagner si vous avez décidé de réaliser la formation…
**Survey now closed: Invitation to participate in the 26th Annual HR Systems Survey
In anticipation of the 26th Annual HR Systems Survey conducted by Sapient Insights Group, Anaplan is looking for customer participation to inform the research via online survey. Ideal candidates will be familiar with their organization’s HR and especially workforce planning practices and supporting systems. The survey is…
**Survey now closed: BPM Pulse 2023
As Anaplan advocates, your responses to the BPM Pulse survey will play a crucial role in shaping BPM Partners' annual Vendor Landscape Matrix for business performance management. Please note: this survey is exclusively open to customers, and the deadline for completion is Friday, May 5, 2023. Respondents will receive a…
Anaplan AutoML and Amazon Ensemble
This article explains individual algorithms provided by PlanIQ. However, it does not address the automated methods provided by PlanIQ. As a customer you have several options: Use one of the automated methods as described below. Use combination of individual algorithms and automated methods and perform algorithm or method…
2023Anaplan ジャパン ユーザー会 Spring開催のお礼
先日はお忙しい中、Anaplanユーザー会にご足労いただきありがとうございました。 ご来場いただきました皆様におかれましては少しでも有益な情報をお持ち帰りいただけたのであれば幸いです。 また、2023年秋ごろに100人規模でのユーザ会も実施予定のため、 次回も是非ご参加いただけることを心待ちにしております!
Anaplan Connect - San Diego June 5-7
Anaplanners, Great opportunity to visit with your colleagues in person. I attended NYC and Atlanta and had a great time meeting and listening to Anaplan customers. Also, a great time to recruit modelers for your team. Look up @StaceyBrooks master anaplanner leader while your there.…