Modellers Forum - 8 March 2023 3PM(CET)
Hello! Do not miss our Modellers Forum! The modellers forum is a great place to share ideas and knowledge about the Anaplan platform. As a group we talk about a range of topics including best practice model building, use cases and how they influence our decision making, problem solving and even the product roadmap! The…
Oct and November Releases! NEW FEATURES!
Some really nice UX/Management Reporting updates here - in conversations with customers these are always front of mind. We all now that engaging the end user effectively in the business process drives Anaplan adoption and increases ROI. You can read the full article here.
Welcome to the new Group Leaders Lounge
I am happy to regroup you all, group leaders, under the same group. Group leaders are a groups within the groups ! Let's take advantage of your cross experience!
Case study: Lessons on strategic workforce planning from Queensland Rail
Close talent gaps with strategic workforce planning and innovation Organizations that don’t have the right people or enough people in place can’t execute effectively on their strategies. They can struggle with their day-to-day operations. Talent gaps – whether in customer service, engineering and technical positions,…
Starting your Anaplan Journey - pathways to success
Handy reference point for guiding you, your teams, and your end users through Anaplan enablement and ensuring self-sufficiency! Model Building - a solid grounding: * Level 1 Model Builder * Level 2 Model Builder Other good starters for 10! * Start your Anaplan Journey * Anaplan Foundations - end user training to introduce…
eBook: The partnership between finance and HR to manage the talent imbalance
eBook: The partnership between finance and HR to manage the talent imbalance What if you could improve collaboration between finance and HR to drive better business outcomes? Silos are common setbacks plaguing countless businesses. Imagine the shared insights from bringing these teams together to realize untapped…
What is Anaplan?
Sometimes the hardest questions should be the simplest, right? You may be building away, creating fantastic models, applications, reports - getting ready to wow the business but how do you answer their first basic question - What is Anaplan? And what is it going to do for our business? This video featuring our Chief…
How the data collection is used in forecast training and models
This article is meant to provide guidance that helps PlanIQ practitioners understand how the data in the "data collection" in PlanIQ is used in the training and running of a forecast model. This article also explains how PlanIQ users can change the data source for existing forecast models. What is the "data collection"?…
Persona based resources
Now introducing to the Anaplan community persona-based resources to support your individual Anaplan experience. Check out the details at https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Blog/Introducing-persona-based-resources-to-support-your-individual/ba-p/130962
What is Forecastable?
Earlier this year The International Institute of Forecasters launched a podcast called Forecasting Impact. The inaugural guest was Rob Hyndman, a bit of a celebrity to those of us engaged in the forecasting community. Rob heads the Department of Business Statistics at Monash University and authored many of the open source…
Don't forget...time is running out to renew your Anaplan qualifications and certs!
Deadline for re-certification is December 31st - See here for more info!
How to use backtest and how to evaluate forecast quality
Our team has recently published two great how-to documents that might be of interest to all * Introduction to forecast evaluation * Using a backtest window to assess forecast model performance We hope you find those useful!
DYK S2 - WEEK 5 (Text String & Text Joins)
Formula per Planual . Watch this video to know more DID YOU KNOW S2 - WEEK 5 - YouTube Thanks, Misbah Miz Logix
DYK S2 - WEEK 4 (Imports via Drivers)
Firs New UX Feature. Watch this video to know more DID YOU KNOW S2 - WEEK 4 - YouTube Thanks, Misbah Miz Logix
Report builders and page builders! Help us shape the future of AM365!
We want to understand how you (report builders and page builders) use AM365 to create reports. During a 60-minute remote research session, I will ask you to walk me through (via screen share) your report creation process and how AM365 plays a role in it. Findings will be used to help shape the roadmap for AM365. Sessions…
($100 incentive!) Looking for new Anaplan users to participate in research!
We're looking for new Anaplan users to participate in an upcoming research study. If this is you or someone at your organization, we would love to speak with them. This study is all about learning who our newer users are, how they're using Anaplan, and what their goals/drivers are in their roles. This study will occur…
Bem vindos e apresentações!
Olá a todos, sejam muito bem vindos! Durante nossa jornada de implementação de Anaplan identificamos a carência de uma comunidade voltada aos usuários de Anaplan em português, para compartilhar experiências, melhores práticas, tirar dúvidas, encontrar profissionais qualificados, e organizar encontros. Fiquem a vontade para…
Demo and Drinks December 8th
Hey everyone, This Thursday we will be holding a demo and drinks at the Anaplan office in London. The demo will be of PlanIQ. Sorry for the short notice but give me a shout if you wish to attend. Thanks, Paul
Something to Bookmark
Hey all, There is a new product website... check it out and more importantly, bookmark it. https://product.anaplan.com/ Thanks, Paul
Large transaction data imports with Code > 60 characters
Hi all, I'd need some experience sharing regarding some challenging data imports that have the following : - Large volume of transactions - Multiple attributes (> 10) to load - Unique code would be > 60 characters if we want to follow planuals and best practices to have a good performance load Has anyone solved this…