Select first week of the time scale by user
Current I have designed like this to select first week of the time scale. But I am wondering is there a way in ANAPLAN That If I select one check box for that Line ITEM, it will disable all other check boxes for that same Line ITEM and If I uncheck it , it will enable all other check boxes?
Here I have maintained a line item for user selection.
Hi @MaheshKosuri ,
Yes, you can achieve this with DCA and a summary item that checks if you have made a selection. If the selection is by time then TIMESUM will come in handy. You have to create an item that is not dimensioned by time and checks for a selection in a timescale. And another that controls the DCF settings of Selection: IF Any selection then Selection else TRUE.
Before selection all months are available:
After selection, only the selected month is available:
Here are the formulas:
And the DCA settings:
1 -
Thanks ,@Ingilavicus
I thought there would be like java script functionality in it to able and disable these Boolean check boxes. Thanks for your valuable inputs.