getting the error: "Dimension of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the result"

I am doing level 1 model building(Activity-9.2.5 Activity: Add Formulas to Price Growth Rates Staging Module)


When i try to enter the formula for the lineitem 'Unit Price %' i get the following error- "Dimension of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the result" .


My Formula- 'REV04 Price Growth Rates'.Unit Price %[LOOKUP: 'SYS04 Location Details'.Country, LOOKUP: 'SYS06 Product Details'.Product Family]


I went to the individual modules from where I am looking up and i can clearly see the respective columns.




  • @aadilrafeeque 

    What this means is that the line items formats you are using from SYS04 and SYS06 do not match the dimensions in REV05.

    REV05 should be using G3 Location and P3 Products in the applies to. Take another look. If you're good there then check your system modules to make sure your line items are list formatted. You're super close. 

  • @JaredDolich 


    Thanks for correcting me. The granularity i used was not matching. I made the change you mentioned and its working now


    Appreciate the help!!

  • Hello

    I have the same error message "Dimensions of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimensions..." for the same 9.2.5 Activity.


    I verified that in REV05 the Applies To is using G3 Locations, P2 Products and that the Format is for Percentage.


    I got the LOOKUP formula to work for Unit Cost %, which, I assume, means that REV05 was setup correctly.  But the LOOKUP formula for Unit Price % is item that's getting the error.


    Thank you for helping.

  • I am running into the same issue as mentioned above and looking for some help please (on Lesson 9.2.5). I was able to get the Unit Cost % formula to work, but not the Unit Price % formula (both shown below).

    Unit Cost %: 'REV04 Price Growth Rates'.Unit Cost %[LOOKUP: 'SYS04 Location Details'.Country, LOOKUP: 'SYS06 Product Details'.Product Family]

    Unit Price %: 'REV04 Price Growth Rates'.Unit Price %[LOOKUP: 'SYS04 Location Details'.Country, LOOKUP: 'SYS06 Product Details'.Product Family]

    I am assuming there is an error with my Unit Price somewhere, but having trouble finding that. As noted above, REV05 is applying to G3 Location and P2 Products.

    Within SYS04, Country is formatted by List - G2 Country and in SYS06, Product Family is formatted by List - P1 Product Family.


  • I encountered the same and solved it.

    My problem was the "Applies To" column was blank for the 2 line items (Unit Price % and Unit Cost %). There should be a "-" for the 2 boxes.

    The reason they are blank is that i was playing around with the dimension for the line items. Then I removed everything. The original input by default without touching it is "-".

    Hope this solved your problem.