Send dynamic notification to multiple users

edited November 2022 in User Experience Ideas

The dynamic notification is an excellent tool to increase collaboration between users. However, you can only send a dynamic notification to one user per action. To make the tool more powerful, you should be able to send a dynamic notification to an "user group" or to be able to bundle notifications, in order to notify all the users that appear in a certain line item (see image attached). That would greatly increase the usability of the tool. 

96 votes

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  • MCarls02
    edited November 2022

    Agreed!  It would be very useful to be able to send notification to multiple users at once i.e. reminders of a due date for department budget inputs to all department heads that haven't submitted budget proposals.

  • PhilippErkinger
    edited November 2022

    Yes, that would make the feature actually useful.

  • mhemphill
    edited November 2022

    Yes please

  • anyuan1
    edited November 2022

    This is exactly what we want! We are struggling with this now.

  • LiseFitzpatrick
    edited November 2022

    Definitely a needed feature. Additionally, it would be nice to assign  'CC' or 'BCC' recipients to a notification.

  • Yes Please !

  • Yes, currently you have ability to just send notification to one user per action using a driver, which is quite limitating the notofication ability.

    Also not allowing the action to be included in a process is quite

  • Yes please

  • Definitely !!

  • Definitely would be so useful.

  • Agree no more.

  • Would be beneficial having the ability to create notification actions and bundle them into processes, limit of one at a time is restrictive and creates a lot of work when handling batches of communications.

  • Agree - multiple users or email groups (without having to assign a licence to those groups) would be ideal.

  • This needs to be addressed - this feature is far less useful than it should be at the moment.

  • +1 : this limitation makes this feature completely impractical for an org wide notification, like taking a model offline.

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