Unable to click on 2021 Certified Model Builder Certificate

I am unable to download the 2021 Certified Model Builder Certificate. 
I completed L1 and L2 and was able to download the certification of completion  and received a check mark for completing the UX page.

I have contacted the Academy Anaplan, but no one has gotten back to me yet. 
Can anyone help? 


  • Actually I think I may know why....

    I have not finished "The Anaplan Way" 
    I will try that and see if it will allow me to proceed. 

  • @mmikail 

    You are correct.

    You need Level 1 and Level 2 along with The Anaplan Way to gain the Model Builder certification.

    Good luck.

  • I was able to complete "Anaplan Way" and received the Certified Model Builder Certificate.
    Thank you very much! 

  • Congratulations!

  • Hi,


    I have completed Level 1 and 2 and anaplan way-on demand since the anaplan way certification was not available free of cost but still I'm unable to click on link to get the certificate