L2S3 Activity 3.3.12 Sys01 time settings by week module

Donna Marie
edited January 2023 in Academy Discussions

May I know if I have this correct:


Line Item Planning Period Filter: the formula is 'Sys00 Time settings by month'.planning period filter


Line Item Planning period Filter weeks only: monthvalue('Sys00 Time settings by month'.planning period filter)


  • Hello,

    The formula for both the line item will remain the same - MONTHVALUE('SYS00 Time Settings by Month'.Planning Period Filter). The only difference is the Summary method you selected as In 1st Line item - Planning Period Filter, we do require Boolean data at summary level hence we can select FORMULA as our Summary option whereas In 2nd Line item - Planning period Filter weeks only, we don´t require the Boolean at summary level hence we can opt NONE as summary method.

    Just an extra pointer, always keep the summary method as NONE if it is not required to reduce the unnecessary calculations and ultimately saving the cell count of the model as well as follows PLANS standards.

    Hope this resolves your query!