Link to a page of another app


we have built several apps and it is becoming essential to facilitate the user experience by allowing to create links to a page of another app.
For example, we could have a new selector "choose an app", then we would choose the target page as currently.




38 votes

New · Last Updated


  • Excellent idea ! 

  • Plus makes keeping pages "fresh" a lot easier as you don't have to remember in which Apps different pages have been saved to

  • No reaction from the product team? This idea came up over a year ago...

  • any other workarounds here… creating duplicate pages and moving them to other apps for the purpose of linking is cumbersome, b/c any changes to the page has to be maintained in both places. is there another place to check for product team updates on this idea?

  • 203001860
    edited May 2023

    Hi @BenjaminLambert @andrewtye @OlivierG - not sure if you still need a solution here, but I stumbled on a workaround today. If you temporarily move the page you're working on to the app with the page you want to link to, you can create the link there. Then you can move the page back to it's original app and link to the page in the other app will actually remain live. The only tricky part is, your users won't realize they are in a new app, so you will have to account for how easily you want them to navigate off that page back to where they started. …. also works the same with linking reports across apps/models

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