Toggle the Aggregation (e.g. SUM:) part of Formulas Off to Make for Easier Reading!

Hi Anaplan,


One of the things customers love about Anaplan is the easy-to-read formulas/ references that are visible through drill down or when modelling. However, the aggregation part of the formula (while important) can sometimes make the formulas look more intimidating than they really are and much harder to read.


It would be great if there could be a toggle where the aggregation part of the formula could be hidden or revealed with a button.


So pressing the toggle would cause a formula to go from something like this:


'REV.001 |  Lease Revenue'.Revenue[SUM: 'ATR.002 | Contract Attributes'.Business Type, SUM: 'ATR.002 | Contract Cohort Attributes'.Country, SUM: 'ATR.002 | Contract Cohort Attributes'.Region, SUM: 'ATR.002 | Contract Cohort Attributes'.Property, SUM: 'ATR.002 | Contract Cohort Attributes'.New Used, SUM: 'ATR.002 |  Contract Cohort Attributes'.Vehicle Usage] + 'REV.002 |  Retail Revenue'.Revenue[SUM: 'ATR.003 |  Contract Cohort Attributes'.Business Type, SUM: 'ATR.003 | Contract Cohort Attributes'.Country, SUM: 'ATR.003 | Contract Cohort Attributes'.Region, SUM: 'ATR.003 | Contract Cohort Attributes'.Vehicle, SUM: 'ATR.003 | Contract Cohort Attributes'.New Used, SUM: 'ATR.003 | Contract Cohort Attributes'.Vehicle Usage]
To this: 'REV.001 |  Lease Revenue'.Revenue + 'REV.002 |  Retail Revenue'.Revenue
I know this is an extreme example but the end-users are almost never interested in the Anaplan function that was necessary to aggregate. I certainly know what i would prefer to read if i was an end user!
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