What am I doing wrong on Module 6.8.3?

I can't seem to figure out where my mistake is.  Did I miss adding a list within the hierarchy or is this simply an error within the blueprint?




Best Answers

  • @Bjackson 


    In your blueprint (your 2nd picture), the line item summary is set to None.



    Due to this, summaries will not happen which is why when you look at Americas, everything is blank.




  • Bjackson
    Answer ✓

    I feel as though I'm making this more complicated that it is!  I made the change (result photo one) and yet and still the data does not show results (photo three).  



  • @Bjackson 


    You need to enter your formulas and turn the summary back to None.



  • Bjackson
    Answer ✓
    Initially my settings were set correctly, the options entered did not reflect the correct end result. It's still not making sense to me. I will see about scheduling time with a TA. Thank you for your time @rob_marshall.
  • Bjackson
    Answer ✓

    I was able to resolve the issue.  I understand your reference to the Pivot now, there is where I had to switch G2 to Columns and Line Items to Rows!  Thank you, again! 


  • @Bjackson 


    Change your pivot from Americas to a detailed member.  Since your summaries (at the line item level) are turned off, data will not aggregate up.



  • @rob_marshall, I don't recall this being explained within the building instructions. Can you provide more detail on where this option is located?