Show / Hide rows and columns not in UX page Default

In UX I would like the ability to make rows or columns available to the end user but not shown on the default view of the page.

I would like the options row / column to be either

  • Shown in default
  • Hidden on default but available to end user to show
  • Hidden on default not available to end user to show

I would like this to apply to both single items to hide show, and hierarchy levels.

This would mean I could publish and nice clean looking page, but give the user additional options to show other relevant lines & columns according to their requirements / preferences.

5 votes

In Review · Last Updated


  • Hi Cindy, 


    I've been doing some discovery into this exact concept and have a few questions on the functionality. For each of your proposed options/ rules, would you envisage setting these up per show/hide or for all show/hides applied in a view? 

    Eg. if you hide items 1,2 and 5 in rows, and showed items A,D and F in columns, would you want to set the same option (Shown in default, Hidden on default but available to end user to show, and Hidden on default not available to end user to show) for both actions, or a different option for each? 


    Additionally, could you explain what the intent is behind "Shown in default"? Is this the same as how the show/hide functionality acts now where any item thats selectively shown in the View Designer will also be shown in the grid for end users? Would these show selections be editable by the end user with this option (via the end user show/hide panel) or just visible in the grid? 

  • Hi Beccad,


    I would want to be able to set the options for each column and for each row separately.  Now we have the option to either tick (to include) or leave blank (exclude) an item (Eg Line item) in a column or a row.  I would like a third option which equates 'Hidden on default but available to end user to show'.


    The point of the distinction between 'shown in default' and 'Hidden on default but available to end user to show'  is that 'shown on default' will be the standard opening view of the page, the one that most users will want to see.  There might be some line items which are occasionally useful, or useful to only some users, these should be available to the user, but I don't want them to show on the default page as they can overwhelm the user with too much unnecessary information.


    I hope this helps clarify.


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