How do you build crediting modules?

edited November 2022 in Modeling

Hi Anaplanners,


Does anyone know how to build the calculation modules that would assign the business rules to the transaction details?


My current method involves me building a boolean module to fetch the correct combination, and then creating views to import the "Sales Rep" to the correct transaction level account. However, this is not practical when the business rules involve a lot of different metrics and attributes. Please let me know if you have a better way to build this logic.







  • MattB_*85251
    edited November 2022

    Hi Jim, 

    Assuming you have the business rules as lists you could take the list of transactions and use the SUM aggregation into a crediting module. You'll need the backend transaction module to have the list items in line items as opposed to the raw text. 

    From there you can have a 'crediting' module which is dimensionalized by your business rules. Not sure if you are crediting by units or price, but you can create a line item for each. You'll just refer to that unit or price line item in the transaction module and use the SUM aggregation for the lists you want. 




  • Dikshant
    edited November 2023


    Create a combination list named "Rep_Product_Combination" to capture rep and product granularity. Utilize this list to store total quota values via the SUM function in a module called "Quota_Module." In the backend module perform a lookup on the Rep_Product_Combination to reference and incorporate the total quota values into the desired line items.

    This structured approach enhances the management and retrieval of quota information for rep and product combinations.