Add a Dimension in Forecasting PlanIQ



I want to use PlanIQ to forecast the demand of different products over time. I've managed to do so on PlanIQ, but now I would like to be able to forecast the demand of different products, over different countries.

Every product exists in every country, and I would like to predict the demand. Therefore what I wanted to do was to add a dimension "Country" in the modules Historical Data, Related Data, and also in the Results Data. I tried it but then when I ran the PlanIQ Forecast Action, an error told me "P1: 0 Cell", I guess it is because PlanIQ doesn't support when modules have another dimension apart from the useful original ones... 

Would you see another option/solution to it? Thanks !! 



  • Hi Vanessa,

    As far as I know from when I was able to play around with PlanIQ you indeed cannot add a dimension to your set. So to solve this you would need to make a flat list with all the combinations and use that. But again, it's been a while since I used PlanIQ.

    Kind regards,


  • Legend001
    edited June 2023

    Hello , vanessahan

    When using PlanIQ to forecast the demand of different products over time, it is important to consider the supported dimensions within the modules. If you encounter an error like "P1: 0 Cell" when adding an additional dimension such as "Country," it indicates that PlanIQ may not support multiple dimensions in those particular modules. In such cases, here are a couple of alternative options/solutions you can explore: Aggregating Data: Instead of adding the "Country" dimension to the modules directly, you can aggregate the demand data by country beforehand. This means you would calculate the total demand for each product in each country and then provide the aggregated data to PlanIQ without the "Country" dimension. This way, you can still capture the demand variations across countries but within a single dimension. Separate Forecasts: Another approach is to create separate forecasts for each country. You can run PlanIQ forecasts separately for each country, using the historical data and related data specific to that country. This way, you can generate country-specific demand forecasts and analyze them individually. Both approaches have their pros and cons, so it's important to consider your specific requirements and constraints when deciding which option to pursue. You may also want to consult with the PlanIQ documentation or support team to confirm the supported dimensions and explore any potential workarounds specific to your use case. I hope this provides you with some alternative options to forecast the demand of different products over different countries using PlanIQ. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to ask. My CC Pay Log in

    Best regards, [ Legend ]

  • You can make different forecasting models for every country if you want to keep the level of granularity you want. Create distinct models in PlanIQ for every nation and product combination. With this method, you may adjust the forecasting settings and parameters based on the unique traits and demand trends of each nation.

  • You can refer to some of the ways you can play with PlanIQ:

    1. Create a daily schedule: Use PlanIQ to create your daily schedule. You can add activities such as work, study, exercise, rest and free time. The app will help you allocate your time efficiently and make sure you don't get overwhelmed.
    2. Task management: Use PlanIQ to create to-do lists and prioritize them. You can add deadlines, notes, and notifications to remind you of tasks that need to be completed. The application also provides the ability to track work progress and view statistical reports.
    3. Plan big projects: If you have a big project or an important event, you can use PlanIQ to make detailed plans for each phase and task. You can track the progress of the project and review the plan if needed.
    4. Optimize your time: PlanIQ provides features like time analysis and suggestions for you to optimize your time. The app will analyze your habits and suggest improvements so you can use your time more efficiently.
    5. Interact with the team: If you work in a team, you can use PlanIQ to share schedules and tasks with other members. This enhances synchronization and communication within the team.
    6. Personal progress tracking: PlanIQ provides statistical reports on your time and work. You can review your personal progress and evaluate how well you've done.