Password Complexity

My company has a default minimum password length of all services of 12 characters, and ideally 14. It would be great if we could parameterise the password settings in Anaplan to force use to use more characters than the current 8 minimum. The current view is that an 8 character password can be broken in 8 hours, a 14 character password takes four days...

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  • Have you considered getting SSO enabled?

  • We have, indeed 95% of our users use SSO, but for a variety of reasons, some users are unable to.

  • We had a similar problem where some people couldn't be SSO - I don't think that they ever did anything other than use their "normal" password which for us is 12 characters

  • In my company we are having the same requirement, that passwords be at least 12 characters regardless if SSO is active or not. Is Anaplan considering this option?

  • The same in my company, but even higher requirements: a minimum of 16 characters for non-admin users, and a minimum of 21 characters for admin users

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