I am getting negative values in Beginning Inventory and Ending Inventory. Can anyone help


  • Hello @Ankit7 ,

    Without checking it in too much detail, it seems like "Beginning Inventory" may be incorrect. Is your formula similar to this one?

    IF NOT 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.First Week of Timescale? THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory'.Beginning Inventory


    Kind regards,

    Bruno Rodriguez

  • Hi Bruno, my formula is correct for beginning inventory and my dat01 information is correct but I am still getting the negative values

  • lindascott
    edited May 2023

    It doesn't look to me like this is wrong, at least conceptually. In the screenshot of your model, you are not showing any additions to inventory over time (e.g. Confirmed Purchase Order Receipt), but you are continuing to "satisfy" the forecasted demand, so your inventory keeps getting lower and lower. This is the same thing that would happen if you started with a much larger beginning inventory; you just wouldn't see it show up as negative in the 2nd week.

    In the screenshot from @laurendusse, you can see that adding inventory in week 7 makes the total less negative. You're on the right track.