Management report should support more dynamic layouts (e.g. filtering on columns to display)

Below is an issue which is stopping me from using Management Report (UX Page type = Report). The issue is that once a card is published to the page:

* Dynamic columns are not respected if based on a filter there should be more columns than initially published, it won’t show
* Dynamic columns are not respected if based on a filter there should be less columns than initially published, it won’t adept and show an empty column with grids

There is a time consuming manual workaround but:
* In this case it is not depending on for instance product groups which may differ per user
* Other customers also complain about this issue

The other workaround is to create a grid with all items and to apply a filter but the empty columns including grid lines will remain.

Please remove the “sticky” grid lines in management reporting. E.g. in below report, depending on the period select I want to see the current period, the future quarters and the current quarter, provided that the current period is not the quarter end period of the current quarter. So the number of columns to display should dynamically update based on the period I select in the context/page selector, which is not happening and it is showing an empty additional column.

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  • Fully agree

  • This problem is also stopping me from fully utilizing Management Reports. Functionality should be the same as the NUX.

  • It seems to Looks like more a bug than an enhancement ?

  • @david.savarin : that's what I also thought, therefore a raised a ticket for Anaplan support, however, they do not consider it as a bug

  • jeffmorrow
    edited June 2023

    I raised this to support as well and fully agree. Management Reporting should be dynamic in nature. Support said this was working as intended which doesn't make any sense to me.

    This needs the same functionality as NUX, otherwise it will cause customers to not use management reporting.

  • By design,when a grid is published in management reporting page, the number of columns remains fixed.

    I hope the limitation of a fixed number of columns in management reporting pages will be addressed.

  • This is clearly a bug that needs to be fixed. I can't think of a single benefit of having a load of blank columns distorting my client's management reports. I really hope Anaplan can replicate the dynamic column selection that is available in the UX.

  • Agree this is really poor when the functionality os available on other report pages. Hope it is addressed soon

  • I raised this to support as well and fully agree. Management Reporting should be dynamic in nature. For a design requirement, we need it. This limitation leaves the customer dissatisfied and  it is extremely frustrating.

  • Agreed — it is frustrating it is available in the app environment but not Management Reporting

  • I am still perplexed how this can be considered as a feature (.e.g as it is not a bug, it must be intended as is and is by elimination a feature) ?

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