Financial Year + Calendar Year Reporting

edited August 2023 in Modeling

Hi - looking for some thoughts on how best to support financial reporting in Anaplan where there's a requirement to faciliate financial year reporting (Jul - > Jun) and calendar year reporting.

By default, we use a financial year (Jul - > Jun) timescale and as far as I'm aware, there's no feature to apply a different basis within the same model, even with time ranges.

Given most of the reports will be on an annual-basis, the options I've come up with thus far are,

  1. Continue to use the native time scale (by year), but use.. probably a TIMESUM() and a time setup module with start month & end month to calculate the calendar timescale.
  2. I could have a fake year concept and setup a mapping module to map periods into the custom timescale (probably only worthwhile if the below doesn't work as maintaining a fake list is a bit of a pain).
  3. Using a similar concept to the above, with a time calculation module, have a line item with FY as a format and use this as a basis to SUM on a custom scale, e.g.

Setting up a separate model purely for reporting wasn't considered viable given the amount of data and complexity involved, so this wasn't in the running.

Outside of the above, are there any other potential options to consider?




  • @luke_e

    Why not change the timescale starting in Jan to July? This can be accomplished by going to the Time definition just under the magnifying glass on the left, as long as you are a workspace admin.

  • Hi @rob_marshall - thanks for the response.

    The primary timescale of the model still needs to remain Jul → Jun as this is what 99% of the model uses. There also isn't a more granular setting for time ranges (which would have been ideal for this use case).

    It's only a subset of reports for a specific entity that requires the calendar year aggregation, which is why I'm trying to address using some form of alternative hierarchy/SUM.



  • Thanks @rob_marshall - looks like the fake time SUM and mapping via a time calculation module is the go (so, option 2).

    Somewhat glad there wasn't a more glaringly obvious option that I'd missed. Thanks again for your responses.

