PowerPoint Add-in Improvement
In case a slide with a connection to a model is copied into a different PowerPoint file, the connection should not get lost.
Add new summary method to show the Dynamic Subtotaling based on user selection
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: When users wants to select specific subset of product that they own in their portfolio and plan against them, they would like to see…
Filtering a Custom Report Based on User Selection
Hello, We have a series of reports that we want users to have the option to select a Year over Year comparison (such as 'FY25B vs FY25A' in the dark blue) and the corresponding light blue to be filtered. Below is an end result of one selection: If a user were to select 'FY25A vs FY24A' the result would look like this: This…
Custom Calendars
Is there a way to create custom calendars in Anaplan? Our customers work out of different calendars and we would like to be able to enter and report data according to each specific customer's calendar, while at the same time being able to enter and report data according to our corporate calendar. Any advice or links to…
Approach for managing conditional formatting colors in one place
Thought I'd drop this here in case it's helpful to anyone. Business Need To promote a consistent user experience and an intuitive application, we want colors to be used in a consistent manner across an application. We also want it to be easy to quickly and easily change those colors in the event of: Changes to user…
Ability to format numbers by multiplying 10000 in the Board/Report eg 0.03% to 3bps with suffix
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: For management and board reporting, we need to present % variances into bps (a unit of measurement equal to 1/100th of 1 percent). We…
Strategies for clear and significant business insights
Author: Judee Dimapilis is a Certified Master Anaplanner and co-founder at Malaya Tech Consulting. Within the ever-changing landscape of business operations, reporting that is both accurate and informative has never been more crucial. However, there are common reporting challenges that many businesses encounter that makes…
Combining line item number formats
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: For certain reporting elements I'm finding that I have to change number formatted line items to text to get the right prefixes and…
Is there a way to get a timestamp automatically added to an export file name
It would be super helpful to have the timestamp as part of the export file name in Anaplan, especially when clients run reports every day during the budget season. Is it possible to do? And do automatically?
2.3.10 Activity: Create Demand Forecast
Hi, I am stuck with creating formula for Baseline forecast, I have used formula "IF NOT 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' THEN LAG(Default Forecast, 52, 0, STRICT) ELSE 'DAT03 Historic Volumes'.'Offset Volumes for 1st Forecast Year' But it only seem to work for FY20, I dont see data for FY21. Can somebody…
Data validation
Any tips on automating data validation and error-checking processes would be highly beneficial.
Switch from Context Selector to Boolean - Scope of view
I'm trying to optimize a module for space. At current the module alone occupies 33 GB of space. The module is a cross dimension of 4 lists as seen in the picture above. with time month granularity. The idea is to reduce the dimension count to 3 by removing one list. The 9LE List shown in the applies to above. It has two…
Sample Dashboard Screenshots for Investment and Cost Management
Hi there, I am looking for sample screenshots of Dashboard reporting for ICT Investment and Cost Management. Appreciate if you can point the links and resources. Thanks!
Formula to return a certain email address
Hello, I have a list with several emails address. I want to have a formula to return only emails adress from the company Test (so that ends in @test.com). I avoid hard coding as not best practice. I have already my formula that can retrive only the "@test.com" part. To resume, I just want a formula to excude everything…
Allow the approver to be selected from a module, on the workflow decision template
I would like to be able to select my approver from a module, in the same fashion as for the tasks. Otherwise, I am not able to use the functionality in complex approval flows.
Formula Summary for reporting
Have to run a variance reporting for 3 Line items. In the source, the line items have dimensions and Time(Quarter). The variance Reporting module is run by the same dimensions, the source line items act as a dimension(by line-item subset) and looksup the Year selection by the user. The challenge is that one line item has…
Multi-Dimensional Sorting for Hierarchical Lists
We need a way to sort hierarchical lists by multiple dimensions. Currently, Anaplan's 'Sort Order Action' for hierarchical lists only allows sorting by parent or by child, which limits our flexibility. Problem Statement:Currently, when working with hierarchical lists, the sorting functionality is limited to a single…
Workaround for Parent Child Relationship for Boolean Lookup
Hello, I am trying to do a workaround where I am not able to directly map a Parent and Child relationship but the users would want to be able to alert owners of a subsidiary account living in a different territory that they want that subsidiary to follow their HQ account. A specific example would be: Account 1 HQ has 4…
Excel Add In - Choosing the level while pivoting/filtering
Hello, Can I choose the level under particular dimension once creating the report in Excel Add In? I cannot find it easily. There is a such option directly in Anaplan for example under MyPages. The example: There is a product list assgined to different level of hierarchies (SKU - Planning SKU - Brand Quality - Brand) - in…
Best practice for building a P&L with custom summary levels?
Hi, What is best practice for building out a P&L? The P&L applies to an existing list L2 GL accounts however, there are additional summary levels (ex. total travel) and calculations (gross margin, net income) that dont exist in the L2 GL account list but are required for the P&L report. See picture for example of…
How to get Export output in json format?
Hi all, I am running a download API in logic app to get a list of my exports, i am able to get the result, but its in octet-stream format while i want the data to be in JSON format so that i can create a blob file with it. Any ideas how i can achieve this, also the Apiary links says that my result will be in JSON format…
Financial Year + Calendar Year Reporting
Hi - looking for some thoughts on how best to support financial reporting in Anaplan where there's a requirement to faciliate financial year reporting (Jul - > Jun) and calendar year reporting. By default, we use a financial year (Jul - > Jun) timescale and as far as I'm aware, there's no feature to apply a different basis…
Key metrics for effective sales performance management using Anaplan
Author: Einas Ibrahim, Finance and SPM Consultant and Certified Master Anaplanner. In the world of sales, tracking and analyzing key metrics is vital for assessing performance, identifying areas for improvement, and aligning sales strategies with business objectives. Anaplan is a leading Sales Performance Management (SPM)…
Static Column Width & Autofit - the Minimum Column Width Idea
Column Resizing! It is finally here, the folks looking at large numbers will be able to see the entire number. I am clearly excited after 4 years this finally came out. This enhancement is regarding what the UX does when you do a fixed column width. In the screenshot, I have fake time in the columns which has a dynamic…
Management Reporting Page - Slide size change to 16:9
As a page builder, I would like to be able to select the slide size (4:3 or 16:9) when creating a management reporting. Slide size in (Management) Reporting, both within Anaplan as well as in the .pdf export, is currently 4:3. However, the new standard format of slides nowadays is 16:9, as this format fits the screen size…
Transactionnal API - Direct Query with JSON Line / Parsing ?!?
Hello, I am looking currently at the Transactionnal API. I see great usage associated to Transactionnal API reading function for direct reporting through third party tool (ex : POWERBI), which offer more thank BULK API. This call help you to direct query a view : Currently, the documentation show a limitation of cells able…
Adding page numbers and text in the footer of slides in reports
Similar to PDF, would be helpful to add page numbers and text in the footer section of each slide. My managers use the web based report functionality but they get confused on which slide they want to provide feedback for. My apologies if this already exists but I have searched to no avail.
Variance Analysis for Profit or Loss
Hi Does anyone know how to create Variance analysis. I use reporting tool (Insert Calculations) but Varian (%) doesn't seem to work for all type of costs, for example revenue is favourable if actual revenue is higher than budget but if cost is higher it should be unfavourable. Variance % doesn't give the right calculation…
Introducing the Shape Card to Management Reporting
The next step in the evolution of our Management Reporting look and feel! Check out the this video to see how to incorporate the new Shapes card option into your report!
Allow Report Builder to Change Colors of individual dots on a scatter plot
Use Case: We need the ability to change dot colors on a scatter plot (not based on conditional formatting) so that the scatter plot can better visually represent the data. For example if we have 6 companies, or 6 products displayed we want each of those to have its own color. This is currently not possible if the products…