How I Built It: Number format converter (thousands and millions)

edited November 2023 in Blog

Hello Anaplanner Community! I’m excited to participate in another ‘How I Built It’ video with a Number Format Converter (thousands and millions) tutorial.

This video walks you through how to dynamically update UX grid number formats on all tables and charts. This enables users to have different number formats enabled for each line item.

Key features:

  1. Users can choose which line items they would like to see numbers in thousands or millions.
  2. Allow users to easily see larger values in small Anaplan UX grids.
  3. You can design for each line item you would like to have this for.
  4. Check out my idea in the Idea Exchange and upvote: Number scale line item format.

I have another ‘How I Built It’ tutorial on dynamic month, quarter, and year filters here.

All the 'How I Built It' tutorials can be found here.


About the Author: Arjun Gandhi is a Co-Founder and Certified Master Anaplanner at Tekplanit and has been in the Anaplan ecosystem for 8+ years. He has deployed hundreds of applications across 16+ industries for finance, supply chain, and sales use cases.


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  • Hi @Agandhi thank you for this creative build, it's very helpful. Could you please share the ADM01 Model Admin you are comparing the Millions and Thousands List with and how it is linked to the "Inv Units line items". I am trying to replicate same to our client.

  • Hi @Monpero did you manage to implement this solution? if yes, could I have some details please?

  • edited April 2024

    Hi @ilincach you can follow this steps below.

    1. Create a list (C1) with 2 items = Million , Thousand units

    2. Have a list drop down SYS01 Module with no dimension, 1 line item N.scale that has the list (C1) as the line item formatted list

    3. have a SYS Lookup module with no dimension. Then have 2 line item, list formatted in the line item format it to be Million and Thousand for the other line item.

    4. In the output module

    Value1 = if the SYS01 Module.N.scale = SYS Lookup module.Thousand then Value1/1000

    else if the SYS01 Module.N.scale = SYS Lookup module.Million then Value1/1000000 else Value1

    Value2 = if the SYS01 Module.N.scale = SYS Lookup module.Thousand then Value2/1000

    else if the SYS01 Module.N.scale = SYS Lookup module.Million then Value2/1000000 else Value2

    I hope this helps 😊


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