Clear filter/sort on User Logout


Filters and sorting must be manually cleared. This is an issue with our implementation as users that are not in the system frequently will forget a previous filter is applied and overlook data that was previously filtered out.

At best this causes some confusion and lost time, but can also cause significant delays in processing or miscalculations.

This idea is to have filters and applied sorting be removed when a user logs out to avoid confusion.

22 votes

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  • Totally agree! The filter should be automatically removed when the user is done using the page( log out). Looking forward to the changes #Anaplan

  • Agree! Filters and sorting should be able to be cleared automatically at logout to reduce confusion for users

  • I agree with this. If an automatic clear isn't possible, maybe even a prompt where it specifies that you had filters/etc on a last log-in, and asks if you would like to reset to the original view.

    (I'm guessing this is for resetting filters that were post-view creation on UX pages. Selection based filters would be a little more complicated to reset as they're considered inputs)

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