How to check how hierarchy will change before implementing


Does anyone have a quick way to check in the Data Hub, of what the impact to spoke models will be?


I have a 5 level hierarchy in my Spoke model and I create the codes in Data Hub. Then I can export to build the relevant lists. We want to change the hierarchy mappings in the Data Hub as business needs change.

How can I know how the codes will change before I send it over?

Note: I have Dev version of the Spoke model that I can test in first. I'm just hoping to avoid that if possible.


Best Answer

  • Hi,

    To review changes in Data Hub you would need to have similar building of the hierarchy modelled in Data Hub and previous version of the hierarchy stored somewhere in Data Hub. This way you can compare new/previous version of the hierarchy already in Data Hub.


  • Hello @DeepakK , if you are changing hierarchy mappings and exporting codes to spoke model then new items will be created in the spoke model. Next, existing items which are not required should be deleted.

    Example: In a 5 level Location hierarchy, New York is at L2 (with code NYC_L2) directly reporting to L1 region. Now, business changed it L3 level and reports to L2 item. Now code becomes NYC_L3. In your spoke model, new item will be created at L3 level with name New York. Simultaneously, existing L2 shall be deleted.

    Please go through this for further details



  • Sorry for the late response. Things got hectic and we forgot about this in our project.

    It makes sense that I need a comparison point somewhere else like @pyrypeura suggests. I was hoping I didn't need to build it out in the Hub.

    Thanks for the help.