User report and additional user fields

Ability to generate user listing report which show the following:

  • User ID
  • User name
  • User model roles
  • User workspace access
  • User SSO
  • Additional user field to input company employee ID
  • User creation date
  • User last login date
  • User deactivation date

The above are minimal user information required to meet general Enterprise system audit requirement.

Currently Anaplan provides the above information in multiple places , each lacking required information . for example:

Administration > User > Internal : show last login date but does not show user ID in the listing (must click on each record to display user ID), or user deactivation date and unable to export the listing to excel

Administration>User > Visiting : does not show user ID, last login details or deactivation dates

Model > User : unable to add new user fields such as company employee ID, does not show total record counts, last login date, deactivation date

Audit log : this show user deactivation date but there is no filter on this report and does not show user name or user ID (email) or show record count.

Hypercare User Summary Report : show list of user with status but no user name, user last login date and deactivation date

Anaplan Users list does not come with user name maintained in User records.

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