Shorthand Typing for Thousands, Millions and Billions Input

As a read/write user of an app, I want to type large numbers with as little keyboard strokes possible, so that I am sure my input is accurate (limit finger errors) and that I save time and get through my workload efficiently.

I'll know this is successful when I can type k for thousands, m for millions and b for billions after any number and Anaplan processes it by adding the appropriate amount of zeros to the input cell.

Currently, these users have to type out all the zeroes which is both time consuming and risky, as finger errors often happen.

This idea has the potential to be a quick win that would not require big development effort but would add great value and delight many customers using Anaplan in medium to large companies.

This functionality exists in the previous software we used, Enterprise Planning.


Instead of 10 000 type 10k and system input shows 10 000.

Instead of 3 200 000 type 3.2m and system input shows 3 200 000

Instead of 6 570 000 000 type 6.57b and system input shows 6 570 000 000

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