Reporting/ Hierarchies/ Modules


I wonder if somebody could help.


  • We currently have our volume planning pages (& subsequent summaries) set up in the hierarchy SHOP > CUSTOMER > PRODUCT (E.g., Shop 1, showing customer A with 100 products, made up of 70 of product Y, 30 of product X)
  • We have been requested to create a report customer first (E.g., Customer A, showing Shop 1 supplies 100, Shop 2 supplies 70)
  • Our shop/ customer/ product list is all numbered


  • Does anybody have an idea on how to do this? my initial idea was to create a new (non numbered) list, and have customer as a child, and then create a new module for the volumes pulling from the volume input module)
  • If anybody has any advice on how to do this/ any other suggestions it would be appreciated.



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