ALM enabled between 2 Dev models linking to the same Production Model

We have the usual setup of DEV → UAT → Prod copies of a model.

We've took up a model optimisation activity which would involve deleting redudant models, changing dimensions, and changing logics. all aimed at reducing size and improving performance

The bottle neck is that this activity will go on in parallel with the business users using the prod. SO we're thinking of creating a dedicated DEV and UAT instances of models for this activity.

The existing dev and UAT will be utilised to do production fixes.

All the new development and optimisation tasks would use the newly set up dev and tested using the new UAT. However, when changes are approved. It is planned to sync the new dev to the Prod model.

SO the setup is to have a set of DEV and UAT one for Optimisation activity and one for the prod fixes and a SINGLE Prod environment.

In this case can I sync changes from these two DEVs to the exisitng prod.

This makes it a many-to-one mapping between DEVs and prod. Does ALM allow it


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  • Hi @Yehya123
    It should be always one DEV and Multiple Prod Models because when you sync from Dev Model, Sync from UAT Model will be lost since DEV and UAT models will not be structurally same in above case.


  • The primary requirement is the optimisation activities to go on in parallel along with the business production fixes if needed. We might not be able to do the optimisation in the same dev.

    As it would involve a lot of trial and errors by removing dimensions we think we might not need, removing redundant modules etc.

    These will be quite significant changes and hotfixing in current dev is practically difficult if needed.

    What would be your suggestion in this case .
    Do you think we can have a separate dev and uat for the optimisation . Once the changes are signed off . Create a copy model of the existing prod at that point in time . Sync the new dev to the newly copied prod. Then replace this as the original prod moving forward.

  • Hi @Yehya123

    Yes you are almost correct —- This is option 1 ( In this case you will be lossing Prod History Since you are creating Prod Copy)—Wont be able to check end users changes beyond the copy point
    And another Option ——Option 2
    Create a copy of Dev and Prod model and perform optimization in these two models and keep the original dev and prod as is!
    And one changes are signed off, we can sync UAT Dev and make this Dev as Original Dev going forward to the Original Prod Model (In this case, you will lose Dev History) and won't be able to perform HOTFIX beyond the copy point.
    So, Choosing the option is always depends on the requirement.

    Let me know if this helps out!

  • @PujithaB @Yehya123 - I was looking at the conversation going on above.

    @PujithaB - The option 1 which you suggested is suitable , the only thing we can do is to inform the end users that will be taking the model offline for sometime so that @Yehya123 and team promote their changes to new Prod Model. This model offline activity can be performed during the month end or when the users are not actively using the system. We must inform the end users about the same.

    Option 2 is good but as @PujithaB mentioned you will lose dev history, that is the only concern.

  • Thanks for the suggestions!.

    So if the Production hotfixes are done in the original dev, It should also be replicated in the new Dev model too (The dev in which optimsation tasks are performed). So that when the final sync is done to the new prod , the hotfix changes are pushed too.

    Am I right?

  • Thats right @Yehya123

  • There is no need to create separate Dev, UAT models. That will reduce your workspace if you have size constraints.

    You can do the changes in your original DEV model itself. Refer to this link - 6.04-01 Back to the Future


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